Saturday 2 January 2010

Well, I Suppose This Was Only To Be Expected...

Motorists guilty of minor 'crimes' such as parking misdemeanours are to be hit with a £15 surcharge to help victims of domestic violence or sex attacks.
I think it's clear now that they've given up all pretence of trying to win an election, and are now simply attempting to burn everything and salt the earth for their conquerors.

I mean, how else could you possibly interpret such a barmy decision?


  1. Typical Labour Policy. Instead of tackling a problem, they simply get the tax payer to pay for the consequences of their ineptitude!

  2. It is unbelievable but will be law and therefore there's nothing we can do. As a parking matter it isn't something for the proper courts only those tribunals set up by local authorites. It is simply wrong, an injustice, mental and indicative of everything wrong with the UK today. Where was the statement from Cameron or Clegg saying they'd abolish it immediately?

  3. It's worse than that -

    "...non-financial support to victims and witnesses of crime..."

    Jobs for the boys (and girls) on the quangos.

  4. That amounts to being prosecuted for another persons crime.

    Now, although an ex U.K Copper, and now a German Copper, I have only a grounding in the actual "small print" of the law. (That is why we have solicitors. Small print is THEIR responsibility.)

    BUT, to me, THAT appears to be illegal.

    Any one falls foul of this, I would IMMEDIATELY reccomend an appeal to the court, AND to the "Court of human rights".

  5. Surely the criminals convicted should be paying? Or is that too populist? Much easier to fine working people (who will pay) than chase up criminals

  6. Furor Teutonicus sees it the same way I do. Not only that but these are overwhelmingly victimless crimes anyway, unless you count the state as a victim and the crime being the same as the Original Sin - failure to maintain unswerving obedience to the ultimate master. Now I'm not saying the government or it's leader have a god complex but let's be honest, they do act like it a lot of the time.

  7. because not wearing a seatbelt is hurting who exactly. and offering cash to 'victims' encourages what, oh yes, false allegations


    give victims what they need not cash then false accusers get nothing

    if jonny big potatoes want to drive without his steatbelt let him inspect his windscreen very closely indeed

  8. Why not just add VAT to fines? It is the court service, after all.

  9. "Typical Labour Policy. Instead of tackling a problem, they simply get the tax payer to pay..."

    Indeed! Welcome back, Sue.

    "Where was the statement from Cameron or Clegg saying they'd abolish it immediately?"

    It would win them so much goodwill, wouldn't it? So, it's almost as if they agree with it, isn't it?

    "Jobs for the boys (and girls) on the quangos."

    Oh, yes. Always.

    "Furor Teutonicus sees it the same way I do."

    It'll be interesting to see if one of the motorist's organisations challenges it...
