Wednesday 6 January 2010

Well, These Crooks Certainly Put Their Best Foot Forward…

For months, officers were baffled when designer shoe shops in Malmö reported that only left shoes were disappearing from their shelves. But the mystery was solved when it emerged that in neighbouring Denmark only right shoes were put on display, the Times reports.
Aha! It seems, as ever, the enterprising criminal fraternity were onto this little wrinkle long before the forces of the law…
"We have noticed that left shoes have disappeared in the past, but we never caught the thieves," said Anna Johansson, a shoe shop assistant. "Since we know that Danish stores keep the right shoes in the stockroom and put the left shoes on the boutique shelves and we do it the other way around in Sweden we figured that the corresponding shoes probably disappear as well in stores in Denmark. I do not know why the Danes display the right shoes I guess there are no international rules."
Unspoken was the thought: “…and there should be, damn it!”


  1. Personally I suspect Heather Mills was behind the thefts, in one of the countries anyway.

  2. Was it an old Not the Nine O'Clock News sketch that has a group of one-legged men assembling furtiviely outside a shoeshop and then grabbing the shoes on display?

  3. This clearly calls for the appointment of an EU Shoe Display Tsar.

  4. "...I suspect Heather Mills..."


    "Was it an old Not the Nine O'Clock News sketch that has a group of one-legged men assembling furtiviely outside a shoeshop and then grabbing the shoes on display?"

    Yes, I think I remember that one! How life imitates art...

    "This clearly calls for the appointment of an EU Shoe Display Tsar."

    Oh, I wouldn't be at all surprised.

  5. The crooks would previously had to becontent with hand luggage on the hydrofoil but since they built a bridge between Denmark and Malmö they will be able to shift thier shoes by the lorryload.
