Saturday 20 March 2010

Everything Will Be Just Fine...

...when you sheep finally learn to submit to the will of the state:
In spite of the public outcry at sad cases such as Baby Peter and Khyra Ishaq, when it comes to the crunch the public simply do not support paediatricians in their work in child protection. Families are constantly obstructive and often aggressive when it comes to their turn for assessment, and this is reflected in a pattern of an increasing number of complaints against paediatricians and a reluctance for paediatricians to get involved in child protection roles, or possibly even report child protection concerns.
Hmm, now, why could that be? Tessa doesn't really elaborate.

Well, it's because of people like Professor Sir Roy Meadow. And Dr David Southall.

And not forgetting, since she mentioned the Baby P case, the paediatrician that failed to diagnose a broken back and then fled the country to escape any consequences...

But don't let little bumps in the road stop your grand trek to a brave new world, eh Tessa?
Once the public is more at ease with how paediatricians deal with child protection cases we can move on to the next step. At that stage, it will be time to look towards the sense of community that will see us reporting on our friends and neighbours with our concerns.


  1. the more chiiildren there are the more drains and chimneys we need to build

  2. I found it rather ironic that one of the people protesting about the official neglect of Khyra Ishaq was her natural father.

    Why didn't he do anything?

  3. woman on a raft20 March 2010 at 14:39

    Re the paediatrician in Baby P: it is very handy for a number of people that she has left the country as she may have wished to raise several matters in her defence:

    1) The designated doctor for child protection was Dr Sukanta Banerjee was at the hospital at the time, not away as is claimed.

    2) It's not as straightforward as it sounds to date a fracture. The expert dating the fracture at PM are themselves facing challenges about whether they properly represented their levels of qualification. (There is a stream of queries about experts and expert witnesses bubbling under many cases. It turns out that some of them may have been over-stating their claimed qualifications.)

    3) Dr Sabah Al-Zayyat was supposed to be looking at the child's behaviour. She should perhaps have asked why he was so unhappy that she couldn't work with him, but otoh, it is quite common to find small children don't want to cooperate in the clinic.

    This is not to excuse Dr Sabah Al-Zayyat, just sayin' its very handy for the hospital now that they can shrug their shoulders and don't have to face any of the questions she might have raised.

  4. Ooops, just had a spleen moment over at Feminazery and attempted to post this:

    Who dresses women? umm, women. How many rapes involve an insurmountable force? thinks, not many. How many laws are in place to ensure the equal rights of women? last count a few more than there are for men.

    Responsibility is earned by the actions of the individual that stands up for themselves and not a given in a world where our fortune is a direct consequence of our own actions.

    So choose what you wear, decide what you consume and who touches your naked body, use the law to get what you want, stop hating and blaming men for the challenges you face in life.

    Or walk around the city streets at night half naked and pissed having accepted the minimum pay your boss thinks they can get away with paying you and when you said no to some guy then give in and let him do his business because you think its going to be easier than a swift kick in the bollox after a night drinking whatever is put under your nose.

    You choose.

    Stern report - nearly 60% of rape cases that come to trial end up in a guilty verdict, well, well , well. How many alleged rape victims present with evidence that they decided it was right to fight physically against their alleged attacker rather than be raped? I guarantee you this if I was trying to persuade a woman to sleep with me who had given me mixed messages and she started to struggle, right there the efforts of persuasion would end, thankfully I have never had that experience however I'm quite sure the vast majority of blokes would get the message way before a fist fight over a fuck.

    The fact that rapists exist and some women have said no to me initially has not stopped me continuing to ask for it.

    Or have I got it completely wrong and its terribly difficult being a woman wondering what messages my choice of clothing gives out, managing to provide and control what I consume, when people refuse to listen to the words I say and continue to make sexual advances back my words up with actions and finally negotiate as we all have to do the contract I want for the work I do or find a better job?

    People fit into a few categories, those that think the world happens to them and those that believe they have choices and exercise their rights, those that look back in anger instead of hoping for a better future.

    All of these discussions and arguments are not particularly male or female issues they are issues we all face in one way or another so put up or shut up.

    There, that's better ;)

  5. Sorry had to share, back on subject Baby P's life and death is most sad. No one, again no one except his mother and those she invited into their life are responsible for his torture and death. WOAR is right the witch hunt for professionals to blame is at best just blame shifting at worst scientifically short sighted.

    I'm quite positive that all the people involved indirectly and briefly with Baby P's care will spend the rest of their lives blaming themselves inappropriately for his pain and death when the truth is that some sick people who are now in prison are responsible and if anything else, the system, not those who probably with the best will in the world and in difficult circumstances did the best job they could probably daily going above and beyond the call of duty.

  6. btw I don't think WOAR is my biggest fan but she, sometimes, has good points very well put, unlike me

  7. fucking ay, they published my comment, will wonders never cease?

  8. "Why didn't he do anything?"

    Might as well ask why Vicoria Climie's family sent her to a strange counrty and thern blamed the authorities for what happened to her...

    " is very handy for a number of people that she has left the country..."


    I wonder how hard they are trying to get her back..?

    "People fit into a few categories, those that think the world happens to them and those that believe they have choices and exercise their rights..."

    We'd all be a lot better off if our educational system wasn't seemingly dedicated to turning out more of the former, and less of the latter...

    "...they published my comment, will wonders never cease?"

    Let's see how they reply to it...

  9. no reply as yet, told em to come here to play with us if they think they're 'ard enough, now that would be fun ;)

    wonders if my swing between absolute lunacy, seriously felt comment and blatant button pushing is just a consequence of brain chemistry and weather patterns. note to self, must look back at previous comments and try to draw any correlation with recorded meteorological data

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I was just thinking that first sentence (about "moving on to the next stage") sounded pretty chilling, but then I read the next sentence which explains what the next step actually is... dobbing in your friend and neighbours to the Stasi!


    Do these people really not stop to think how this sounds? Have they no imagination at all?

    That's the creepiest thing I have read this morning, I think - an accolade not without competition, btw.

    Truly ghastly.

    How can we get our country back?

  12. Julia, re Roy Meadow, would you have a look at this post of mine, and tell me how the stats can be explained in a way that doesn't suggest RM had a point (albeit not one that the Sisterhood wants to know about)? It's a non-rhetorical question asked in genuine perplexity.

  13. "Do these people really not stop to think how this sounds? Have they no imagination at all?"

    Oh, I think they do. They just don't see anything wrong with such a course of action, and are surprised when others object...

    "Julia, re Roy Meadow, would you have a look at this post of mine, and tell me how the stats can be explained in a way that doesn't suggest RM had a point..."

    Having me look at figures would be a bit like asking a sheep to tap-dance!

    I'm not sure how your figures relate to the Roy Meadows case at all - Sally Clark doesn't fit into the categories outlined (except possibly the older mother one), and I'm afraid a lot of it looks too much like correlation being confused with causation to me.

  14. The Beeb certainly wasn't offering any suggestions about causation apart from the mystery bug that attacks kids from single-parent families eight times more often than ones with married parents.

    Having me look at figures would be a bit like asking a sheep to tap-dance!

    Maybe an idea to keep an open mind about someone whose alleged misdemeanour was misuse of statistics, then? I'm not seeking to defend Meadow's evidence at the Sally Clark trial, nor suggesting foul play as a blanket explanation for cot deaths. I just have a nagging suspicion that his fall from grace has turned the heat off some parents who'd rather not have anyone asking awkward questions. We're pretty selective in our concern for child protection.
