Thursday 13 May 2010

Ahhh, Remember When 'Community Punishments'...

...really fit the crime?
A former pub worker has been given a community sentence after conning people with a story about her fictitious daughter dying from leukaemia.

Katie Wolff, aged 20, of Claremont Close, Orpington, must do 180 hours of unpaid work within the next 12 months.
We used to know how to deal with this sort of thing so much better...


  1. Has anyone ever seen anybody doing this "unpaid work". I think there was a case in which an offender successfully demanded that he should not wear a hi-viz jacket identifying him as an "unpaid workperson" because it breached his human rights.

    Some while back I gave my neighbours lad a lift to the local youth correction unit (whatever its called), he was requied to go there to make a wooden birdstand as a 'gift' to his mother as compensation for 'stealing' her car.
    No more than ten minutes later he was on my mobile asking for a lift back home because the carpentry "workshop" had run out of wood.
    No, he never did have to build it, he had attended and that was that.

  2. The first (and only so far) comment on that link:

    HayesMum, Hayes says...
    6:10pm Tue 11 May 10
    "A truly shocking story but the woman clearly isn't well and I feel a bit sorry for her to be honest. Hopefully the money will be recovered at some point and given to charity."

    That would be rather than to the people who donated it then..?

    w/v: mummam - or not, as it transpires..

  3. Not only was it cheap to administer but the reoffending rates on the traditional solution were so much lower as well.

  4. This country is sadly lacking in cruel and usual punishments.

    I mean the sort never forgotten by the onlookers or, crucially, by the criminals on the receiving end.

  5. My previous post should of course, read, 'cruel and unusual'.

    If only they really were 'usual'.

  6. @banned: Good lord! Mind you, I'm not really surprised...
