Sunday 2 May 2010

But Surely, They Can't Be Surprised..?

Christian campaigners said last night they were alarmed that the police seemed to be using legislation originally introduced to deal with violent and abusive rioters and football hooligans to curb free speech.
I wonder if, now this has hit the headlines, the police will be instructed to find a Muslim or Jewish preacher to make an example of, in ortder to 'balance the books'..?
Neil Addison, a barrister and expert on religious law, said: ‘People should be able to express their opinions freely as long as their conduct is reasonable. In fact, it is part of the duty of the police to protect free speech.’
Someone should really tell them that, shouldn't they?
Last night Cumbria police said there was no one available to comment on Mr Mcalpine’s case.
Funny, that...


  1. On the face of it, all the preacher did was say something someone did not like.
    The Govt orders the Police to deal with any case that vaguely resembles a hate crime against a minority group.
    Of course The Law of Unintended Consequences means that the 'offender' is hardly ever a beered up skinhead who daubs swastikas on the local synagogue, but a someone like the preacher in this case, or the pensioner with the red white and blue protest sign.
    If I was the preacher, I and a few church going friends would ‘be offended’ at the next Gay Pride March and make a hate crime report.
    Like to see what they make of that.
    Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander as they say…..

  2. It's oxygen-thieving tossers like PCSO Adams that almost make me ashamed to be a sodomite. Please believe that there are some of us who are disgusted by the antics of these joyless unevolved twerps.

    @ blueknight: The 'beered up skinhead who daubs swastikas...' is a mythical creature evoked by liberal retards to scare the children (and each other). Anyone sighted in skinhead gear since 1985 is almost certainly bound to have been a gay man in 'butch drag'.

    And don't get me started on so-called 'homophobia'...

  3. "Of course The Law of Unintended Consequences means that the 'offender' is hardly ever a beered up skinhead who daubs swastikas on the local synagogue, but a someone like the preacher in this case, or the pensioner with the red white and blue protest sign."

    It must be extremely galling for those who do a good job on their beats, build up a rapport with their locals, and then see something like this tear it all down and land them back at square one.

    No wonder so many emigrate!

    "It's oxygen-thieving tossers like PCSO Adams that almost make me ashamed to be a sodomite. Please believe that there are some of us who are disgusted by the antics of these joyless unevolved twerps."

    As with a lot of the political correctness aimed at takling racism, it's almost never the actual minorities who complain, but some white, pribately educated middle manager in a council or civil service profession who takes offence on their behalf.

    Thus making everything ten times more trouble than it was in the first place...

  4. blueknight said:
    "The Govt orders the Police to deal with any case that vaguely resembles a hate crime against a minority group."


    "If I was the preacher, I and a few church going friends would ‘be offended’ at the next Gay Pride March and make a hate crime report.
    Like to see what they make of that."

    Surely you can guess what the outcome would be? - It would be YOU spending time in the cells...
