Sunday 2 May 2010

How Is This Legal..?

A controversial campaign is urging people to give their general election vote to someone in Afghanistan, Bangladesh or Ghana.

Give Your Vote allows people from the three countries affected by UK policies to have a vote in the election.

Participants text their vote to a local number, which will be sent to people in the UK who have pledged to vote on their behalf.
Good grief, can you imagine a more pointless, self-absorbed political stunt?

What sort of person dreams up something like this? And what sort of person thinks it’s a good idea?
Fanny Rhodes-James, of Ballast Quay, Greenwich, has joined the campaign.
Ah. Right. Well, that answers my second question, at least.

Tremble before the political wisdom of Fanny:
She said: “I’m giving my vote as an act of solidarity with people around the world affected by my government.

“I want them to know people in the UK see them as equals. I’m not giving something away – I am making my vote more powerful.”
The 23-year-old student added: “Its given me a fresh look a what the parties are offering to the world and not just to me personally.”
It’s a UK election, Fanny. Can you not manage to wrap your tiny mind around that?
Campaign co-ordinator James Sadri said: “Elections are a time when we should be debating the real political issues - like why do 20,000 children die every day because of hunger, when there is enough food for everyone?

“We live in an interconnected world, but because our politics is local, the issues which get debated and discussed are parochial.”
Because it’s an election to select your political representatives for your own country!

Good lord! It isn’t rocket science….

And as Bella Gerens' excellent post shows, if this is really something they feel strongly about, there are people far closer to home who would benefit from it.


  1. Vote by proxy? I can imagine the reaction of the righteous when the request comes back from Ghana or Afghanistan requesting a vote for the BNP :-D

  2. Granddaughter of the former Conservative MP for Cambridge and eminent historian, Robert - if I'm not mistaken.

    Rich and protected enough to talk bollix like this.

  3. Seen this a few weeks back, just shows how far the one-world project has came in 50 years.

    Once they've got the mission completed and the UK is suitably fucked they'll be the same ones moaning about the imperialism of Sudan. And blaming it on the tories obviously.

  4. Not sure about the legality of it, but I know selling your vote is illegal.

    Universal suffrage be damned - these people should have their franchise withdrawn. They don't deserve it.

  5. I'm afraid you lost me at '23 year old student'.

    Dozy mare.

  6. ...why do 20,000 children die every day because of hunger...

    Because they live in 3rd World shitholes, and by giving your vote to a resident of one of said shitholes, you only serve to increase that number. Well done, dickhead.

    Lol, Fanny.

  7. English Viking: 23 year old student

    Hey, don't knock the mature students - I was one once.

    Granted I'd done 10 years service in Maccy D's before deciding that I wanted something different.

    And gave up the 'BSC in computing' after 2 years because I realised on the year's placement in year 3 that industrial experience in programming was worth more than a piece of paper from Sunderland Polytechnic^W University.

  8. Well anyone that was going to vote Labour may as well...

  9. PJH,

    You need a medal as big as a dustbin lid for working at Maccy D's for 10 years.

    BTW, 23 years old is not 'mature', as is evidenced by her infantile opinions.

  10. Her name is highly appropriate - she's talking out of her nether regions.

    (Sorry that's very tasteless, I think that reading Rod Liddle's Spectator posts is beginning to have an affect).

  11. "I can imagine the reaction of the righteous when the request comes back from Ghana or Afghanistan requesting a vote for the BNP :-D"

    That'd cause a few explosing heads!

    "Granddaughter of the former Conservative MP for Cambridge and eminent historian, Robert - if I'm not mistaken."

    Aha! That explains quite a bit...

    "And blaming it on the tories obviously."

    Not just 'the Tories'. Probably on Thatcher!

    "...gave up the 'BSC in computing' after 2 years because I realised on the year's placement in year 3 that industrial experience in programming was worth more than a piece of paper from Sunderland Polytechnic^W University."

    Good choice! Actual experience counts for a lot.

  12. "Her name is highly appropriate - she's talking out of her nether regions. "

