Tuesday 11 May 2010

I Don’t Think This One Can be Chalked Up To ‘Knife Culture’…

..at least, not amongst youth gangs:
A teenager was stabbed to death after trying to protect his girlfriend from a drug-crazed stranger as she celebrated her 18th birthday.
As Mark Wadsworth points out in the comments to this post, it's far more likely to be another 'Care(less) in the Community' disaster...

But that won't stop those keen to lump this case in with the usual drugs and gang culture cases we've seen so far:
Mr Bilaszewski is the 11th teenager to be murdered in the capital this year and the eighth in less than seven weeks. In the aftermath of the killing, Scotland Yard chiefs are expected to hold urgent talks about how best to deal with London's resurgent knife culture.
Mind you, if this description is accurate, they are going to really have to stretch the 'youth' tag...
…the attacker, black and thought to be in his 30s


  1. This is another example where there is an elephant in the room. There has never been an honest discussion about mental illness and the proportion of black males who suffer from it. It is a huge problem. 30 years ago race monger were claiming that Section 136 MHA was being used to target young black men and since then the numbers of young black men who have such problems and commit such crimes remains high. I think even a cursory check will show an over representation of black males who commit such awful crimes.

  2. I'm pretty sure that, if tested, I would be found to be mentally ill. I suffer from a condition which I don't know the name of, the best I can do is "bent out of shape by the constant cuntishness of the current corrupt government". I was fine in 1997.

    I don't knife people or anything though. Not yet.

  3. A terrible wickedness.

    I suppose we will need a judicial review of the Police. Perhaps a statue of the young lad that was murdered. A multi-million pound architectural academy built in his name, with annual scholarships for the 'disaffected'. We could make his mother a Saint (and a millionaire). We could ..... oh pants, I've just realised, you only get victim points when it's a white offender and a black victim.

    Shame, I had the makings of an industry going there.

  4. "There has never been an honest discussion about mental illness and the proportion of black males who suffer from it."

    There's been several Guardian articles on how black males are prone to 'misdiagnosis' because doctors lack 'cultural sensitivity' and other such nonsense excuses, though...

    "I don't knife people or anything though. Not yet."

    Just as well. I suspect it's like peanuts. You can't just have one... :)

  5. Marcin Bilaszewski looks as though he knew how to handle himself so it really would have to have been a nutter to take on him and twenty five of his friends.
    I new Finsbury Park station very well for twenty years, it was always rough around there so Marcin and his mates should have been on the defensive.

    Any of the 4 million cctv cameras happen to catch the crime btw?
