Friday 28 May 2010

The 'Mail' Has The Important Facts...

..of the case of the suspected new serial killer:
The man charged with the Bradford prostitute murders attended one of the leading private schools, it has emerged.
Off to the 'Express' to see if they lead with how much his house is worth...


  1. Wouldn't the Express lead with the question of whether he killed Diana?

  2. According to on headline the front page of the Sun (couldn't help it, the person opposite me on the train was reading it) he once ate a live rat.

    Me thinks this case is going to be a tabloid editor's wet dream.

  3. If the police find the complete box sets of CSI (all franchises) and Dexter, the CPS will have him bang to rights...cue handwringing from the righteous about the evils of crime scene series on the telly

  4. ...and people actually pay to read that stuff....amazing.

  5. Shows the state of the education systems when a lorry driver can kill 13 before being caught and a criminology student only managed 3.

    Yup, I know, on my way to hell!
