Friday 28 May 2010

Quote Of The Month

This month, we have Ross at Unenlightened Commentary to thank for this quote on the Labour leadership bunfight:
"So far today I've seen that Miliband is to challenge Miliband for the leadership of the Labour Party, over at CiF I read a post by David "Son of John" Prescott about said contest, Fiona Miller (Alastair Campbell's partner) writing about education policy, rumours about Ed Balls offering to stand aside for his wife Yvette Cooper in the leadership race and read stuff on this Labour supporting blog by Will "son of Jack" Straw.

I've seen Austrian cellars that have a less incestuous vibe than the Labour Party. "


  1. Hilarious! Don't forget of course that Ed Miliband is employing the talents of Rachel (daughter of Neil) Kinnock in his campaign for leadership.
