Monday 17 May 2010

This Is Why I Always Wanted To Be A Marine Biologist... looks like a pretty interesting job:
A marine biologist inquired whether the Ministry of Defence held records about ''abnormally large or dangerous sea monsters hundreds of metres under the sea'' that had not been revealed to the public.
I note he wasn't very interested in the smaller ones...


  1. Hundreds of meters under the sea??

    What? Do these people think that submarines have patio windows and a nice conservatory added to the back of the Conning tower, or something?

  2. After yesterday's 'Trouble With Lichen' scenario (anti-aging drugs in the pipeline), are we to be treated to 'The Kraken Wakes' as well?

    Anti-gerone and sea monsters - what a week for John Wyndham fans!

  3. Deat AP; first time I have ever commented on a blog; to say, you're blinking blogtastic. Keep up the excellent work.

  4. Excess kool-aid consumption, or a British education I suspect.

    FT, Submarines no, we're a bit tied up working on the planes at the moment.

    File under 'things they believe in Islington'

  5. @Furor Teutonicus: Indeed! Though there have been reports of damage to US Navy subs by squid tentacles before...

    @MacHeath: Ah, John Wyndham! It's about time the obsession with Triffids & Midwitch Cuckoos was put to bed and some of his other books dramatised...

    @anon: *blush* Why, thank you kindly..

    @Chuckles: Oh, the list of things they'll believe in Islington is a long, long one!
