Tuesday 11 May 2010

This Must Be Some New Meaning Of The Words...

...'promising student' that I've not encountered before:
A promising college student was killed in an 80mph drink driving smash after she agreed to let a 'show off' friend drive her sports car.
Good lord! What was she studying, advanced naivety?
Phillipa Campbell, 19, was celebrating getting a place on a criminology and sociology course at university…

I suppose it would be considered insensitive to say she evidently failed the practical?


  1. Evil maybe, but I certainly rofl'd at that one :-)

  2. JULIA !!! what a terrible ly funny one ROFLMSO!!!

  3. Taking up a career in grief counselling could be a rewarding move for someone with pathological dislikes, JuliaM.

  4. Insensitive, but accurate.

    MTG - I'd make a fortune as a grief counsellor. I wouldn't charge much because with the technique I learned from my grandmother (SLAP - "Pull yourself together") I could get through hundreds of cases a day.

  5. "Taking up a career in grief counselling could be a rewarding move..."

    I doubt it, since I'd probably use the same approach as Leg-Iron...

  6. Yep, it's the Leg-Iron approach for me.
