Friday 14 May 2010

‘Tight-Knit Communities’ Have Changed A Bit…

The term usually conjures up idyllic little villages where everyone knows everyone else, where the postman looks out for uncollected post by his elderly customers, and the vicar pops round with tea and sympathy for any bereaved.

In short, a bit like ‘Midsomer Murders’ without the murders. A community always ready to come together to support one another in tragedy. Such as an untimely death:
A tight-knit community has paid tribute to a neighbour who died in a car crash.

Tearful residents told how a hush fell over part of Beaver Tower, Eastwood, the day they discovered Christian Fairclough had been killed on the A127.
Well, it’s always terribly sad when a young man dies in a totally unforeseen accide…

An inquest, last week, revealed Mr Fairclough, 36, was two-and-a-half times over the legal drink drive limit.

He had also taken cocaine before his Mitsubsihi Evo veered off the London-bound carriage- way, near Laindon.


  1. Well spotted.

    The liberal way with those tight-knit communities: first trash the real thing as being full of Neanderthal bigots and thank-goodness-we've-moved-on-from-the nineteen-fifties. Then reassure ourselves that we haven't lost anything by pretending that randomly thrown-together collections of strangers are the real thing only with all the additional benefits of diversity.

    "Oh yes, we’ve come on a lot. The history of civilisation is a spiral, not a flat circle, and we’re a notch higher now.", as Libby Purves put it in the Times the other day.

  2. Perhaps it was 'the closely knit' smackhead community expressing their sorrow?

  3. Definitely tight then, not sure about the knitting.

  4. Tight-knit in the sense that they don't trust outsiders- it appears they have good reason not to.

  5. The worst of it is that this waste of oxygen could have killed innocent people.

  6. Greencoat,

    He did, his mates were in the car with him and one of them died at the scene.

  7. his mates were in the car

    They may not be what Greencoat meant by innocent people .....

  8. @Mr Grumpy: I'm not sure they even know what they are doing when they write this stuff - I think they just reach for the Big Book of Journalistic Cliches...

    @Chuckles: LOL!

  9. @KenS: Indeed. They certainly wouldn't fit my description of 'innocent people'!


    This is a tight knit community but who helps these people?

  11. NOTHING upsets the smackhead "community" more than loosing a dealer.

    As they were ALL sooo "concerned", you DO have to wonder....

  12. He was Titus Andronicus then?

    Beaver Tower. Now there's a name to get entendres doubling.
