Sunday 9 May 2010

Translation Needed...

...for this bit of police nuspeak:
Detective Chief Inspector Melanie Burn, who is leading the investigation in to the attack, said: ... "Our primary concern has been to seek a balanced and fair outcome in this matter.

The legal process must run its course, however we are hoping to resolve this matter as quickly as possible to allow Sandra's family to grieve and start to rebuild their lives."
A 'balanced and fair outcome'? I thought the police were all about the letter of the law - it was for the courts to decide that?

Or does, perhaps, Melanie wish to get some quotes out there to alleviate some sense of shame that her hapless force held the lad for 12 hours while his mother fought for her life in hospital (sadly, in vain) and didn't even have the common decency to let him have his belongings while their 'investigation' went on. And on. And on...

And since it seems increasingly likely that the NHS mental health services have fumbled the ball yet again, shouldn't some thought be given to Mr London's family's need to grieve and rebuild their lives too?


  1. "The legal process must run its course, however we are hoping to resolve this matter as quickly as possible" the hope that our part in this grotesque farce will be glossed over and kept out of the newspapers.

  2. I believe we need to make the "professionals" legally liable for their decisions.

    No-one should be allowed to walk away without any penalty when they make decisions that cost lives. Company directors can be jailed when their organisation infringes any number of regulations.

    Judges, parole officers, trick cyclists, HOME SECRETARIES(!) must all realise that if they make the wrong decision their lives would be as badly affected as the families of the victims.

  3. Melanie will go far talking like that. Issues around, robust, resilience etc.

  4. a balanced and fair outcome

    Alarm bells clanging already.

  5. Chief Constable should be fired.

    The lad lost his Mother, and the police abused his human rights.

  6. " the hope that our part in this grotesque farce will be glossed over and kept out of the newspapers."

    It almost certainly will, if they can get it done and dusted before the MSM wearies of election speculation.

    "No-one should be allowed to walk away without any penalty when they make decisions that cost lives. "

    Indeed, but the costs of bringing an action are usually prohibitive.

    "Alarm bells clanging already."

    Quite. It's such an odd way of phrasing things, for the police.

  7. Thanks, I missed this story first time around.
    Damage limitation exercise clearly in full swing.
