Saturday 1 May 2010

Well, There Goes ITV & Channel Five Late Night Reality Shows…

..because it seems a wacademic is really, really concerned over privacy issues:
‘It doesn’t matter what an animal does, or where it does it, it will be deemed fair game for the documentary,’ he added.

That’s all those ‘Chavs Gone Wild In Marbella!’ and ‘Police! Camera! Scumbag!’ late night shows gone for a burton then.

About time, too. Enough of this rutting, public defecation and territorial fighting. It might be ‘natural’, but do we really need to see it?

Oh, hang on. I think this loon is talking about real animals…
‘The question constantly posed by wildlife documentaries is how animals should be filmed – they never ask whether animals should be filmed at all,’ Dr Mills said.

‘It might at first seem odd to claim that animals might have a right to privacy.’
I think it’s going to seem odd no matter how many times you advance the concept, Doc…
Piers Warren, founder of Filmmakers for Conservation, said: ‘How can you say whether an animal wants to filmed? No animal will understand the concept.’
I’m not entirely sure a lot of the people in this country fully understand the concept….


  1. Bless. Shame they don't ask our permission to film us on the millions of CCTV cameras.

    My dog quite likes having his photo taken though if that's any consolation.

  2. No doubt he protested about all the meat & seafood on the Uni's cafes' menus?

  3. I see Dr Brett Mills is a TV and film studies lecturer at East Anglia University. (I just knew I'd be funding his stupidity.)

    So he's just a meejah man - not any sort of animal scientist, trickcyclist etc. So his views on whether or not an animal is even aware of filming, let alone has an opinion on it, are, to put it bluntly, worthless.

    Dr Brett Mills keeps good company. The UEA is, of course, the location of that other famous department of academic rigour the Climatic Research Unit. This is where emails have shown them very happy to masssage numbers to alter the results they present ("hide the decline"); attempt to distort the peer review process to block publication of papers they didnt like; to "adjust" base temperature data without telling the rest of the world what they were upto; tolose the original data so no-one can ever see what the true measurments were; etc etc.

  4. Yes the Loon is a Media studies Lecturer at that august institution UEA, he is also an "expert" on Sitcoms.
    The sort of bloke who revels in explaining the jokes to his students then.
    Media Studies in my day was, watching tv and reading a newspaper while having a fag and a cup of coffee, in a break, from the task of revising for real subjects like Sciences, Economics or Law. It was called free time and relaxation basically, not a subject in itself.
    He would be a good subject for a Sitcom in his own right though, wouldn't he? Possibly starring Bill Oddie?

  5. I've just popped out to ask our resident Great Tit if she minds being filmed 24/7 in our camera equipped bird box. She replied that given the choice of spending the last 5 months sleeping rough, or having somewhere safe and sheltered, she was quite happy to share her life with us.

    I don't intend to ask the (8) chicks when they hatch out in about a week...

  6. "Shame they don't ask our permission to film us on the millions of CCTV cameras."

    Good point!

    "...he's just a meejah man - not any sort of animal scientist, trickcyclist etc. So his views on whether or not an animal is even aware of filming, let alone has an opinion on it, are, to put it bluntly, worthless."

    Interesting. I've not seen any report of this story point that out...

    "He would be a good subject for a Sitcom in his own right though, wouldn't he? Possibly starring Bill Oddie?"

    Given the dire state of most modern sitcoms, it couldn't possibly fail!

    "I've just popped out to ask our resident Great Tit if she minds being filmed 24/7 in our camera equipped bird box."

    As sold by the RSPB themselves, I think? I bet they'd like a word with Dr Mills...
