Saturday 5 June 2010

"But I see your true colors, shining through..."

Ah, the Left.

Always a champion of the front line services, the ones without whom we'd all be lost, the ones who rarely strike and never fail to tend to human misery for a pittance of the pay of those greedy fat cat bankers, the ones who deserve to get punched by drunken students if they dare to try to treat them for their self inflicted il...

Wait. What?
We’ve all been stupidly drunk. If you haven’t, you’re a tedious (censored) and can (censored) right off.

We were all (censored) when we were 20. If you think you weren’t, that strongly suggests that you’re still one.

So if a very drunk 20-year-old student passes out in the street to be woken up by an enormous, hideous dyke (judging solely by appearance here, no interest and mild revulsion to think of Sumner’s sexual proclivities), and she lashes out at the woman in question whilst semi-conscious, then *so (censored) what*?
It seems that the case that raised this 'gentleman's' ire was when a paramedic, attempting to assist fragile flower of femininity Melissa Massey from her drunken stupor, was attacked by her.

It seems that this leftwing blogger considers that being assaulted on the job should be an occupational hazard for paramedics. No fair when they press charges!
Of course, because of Booze Britain paranoia, some (censored) of a magistrate sent the poor girl to jail.
Well, no, actually she was sent to jail for the 10 minute assault which pulled out handfuls of Ms Sumner's hair.

Still, so what? She was ugly anyway, right, PDF? Whereas you'd probably like to give the fragrent Ms Massey...

No. Let's not sink to your level, eh?
Now, if someone who was basically a good kid but was blind drunk assaulted me, caused no permanent harm, and was sorry, then I’d make a speech to the court begging them not to jail her. Because I’m not an *evil, vindictive bastard*, and I understand that that’s the way it (censored) goes.
There you have it. That's the Left in a nutshell.

All you paramedics can just shut the (censored) up with your whining about not wanting to be attacked by patients.

It's perfectly OK if they are sorry afterwards, and if they are young, and if they are prettier than you...
(censored) her. I hope she dies, preferably in a great deal of pain.
Yeah! Who needs paramedics, anyway, when we have pretty drunken business students in society?

I feel like I've waded through a sewer, reading that, but sometimes you just have to lift the rock and look at the blind things squirming underneath to really get a handle on what you're dealing with.


  1. Well it didn't take you long to find a 'leftie' (yr earlier tweet) - hope that has lifted your 'black mood'?

  2. Wow. The case itself is simply another one where the justice system gets it wrong yet again with the offender being treated as the victim. Doesn't she look so sorry as she walks free? Oh sorry, no, a look of glacial arrogance is present instead, must be an unfortunate angle.

    However, the post from PDF you found under that rock should be picked out and shown to the next ten generations as an example of exactly what is wrong with this country. Utterly disgusting and backwards logic throughout.

  3. What pioneer of truth would not readily throw herself into the sewers and immerse to the armpits in the undaunted quest for new and exciting adventures, the prospect of rare gems and unexpected flotsam?

  4. The guy's an utter tool. He once insisted that Iranian elections are completely democratic on the old DSD blog, it was a scream of a conversation.

  5. "Well it didn't take you long to find a 'leftie' (yr earlier tweet) - hope that has lifted your 'black mood'?"

    It certainly helped.. ;)

    "Doesn't she look so sorry as she walks free? Oh sorry, no, a look of glacial arrogance is present instead, must be an unfortunate angle."

    Indeed. That's a face that richly deserves a slap or two.

    "The guy's an utter tool. He once insisted that Iranian elections are completely democratic on the old DSD blog, it was a scream of a conversation."

    I think I remember that one! Yes, he's resolutely wrong on pretty much everyrthing, but this post in particular struck me as so wrong as to be off the scale.

    As Jiks points out, it should be held up as a 'How not to behave' example...

  6. "Yeah! Who needs paramedics, anyway, when we have pretty drunken business students in society?"

    I think that hits the nail on the head, there is a strong element of snobbery in his anger at a plebian paramedic telling a middle class student how to behave.

  7. His name does of course sum it all up. Sadly nurses and medics in A&E have drunken violence threatened all the time. Some of us however, do show these scum the baseball bat from time to time and explain what concussion and brain damage can be like.

  8. "...there is a strong element of snobbery in his anger at a plebian paramedic telling a middle class student how to behave."

    Another champagne socialist, I guess?

    "His name does of course sum it all up. "

