Sunday 20 June 2010

Coming Over Here, Taking Our Non-Jobs…

Surely there's a home-grown example of the Washington-based Advocacy Project that could supply a whining do-gooder for this cause?
The human rights organisation sends representatives across the globe to work with what it sees as vulnerable people whose rights are under threat.
And it's chosen....don't laugh, now...
Susan Craig-Green is the third American visitor since 2007 to spend time at Dale Farm on behalf of the Washington-based Advocacy Project.

Ms Craig-Green is working with about 90 families at Crays Hill, helping them to mount legal challenges and improve their literacy levels.

Ms Craig-Green, don't you realise you are preventing one of our own band of bleeding hearts from making a dishonest living? Shame on you!
A keen photographer, she is posting pictures of Dale Farm residents online as part of a blog about her time with the travellers.
The 'Echo' doesn't link to it, but you can see it via the link here.
In her latest post, earlier this week, she suggests the travellers’ only hope of avoiding eviction is for them to engage with villagers living nearby.

She writes: “There may be no protection from eviction while they pursue other legal avenues unless their neighbours can be encouraged to engage with the travellers, recognise their humanity, and the fundamental rights that go with it, and support their residence at Dale Farm.”
Well, given how long they've been fighting to get them off that site, if you somehow manage that, Ms Craig-Green, might I suggest you try Israel/Palestine afterwards?

And after that, perhaps the cat/dog enmity?
She adds: “I fear, as the travellers do, the traveller community will be scattered across the country, separating families and creating yet more obstacles to them exercising their traditional way of life. ”
Now, I'm no International Relations graduate, but isn't being 'scattered across the country' exactly what they claim to be their 'traditional lifestyle'?

Isn't it, in fact, why they are known as 'travellers'?

But it seems Ms Craig-Green has much rosier spectacles than her photo would imply. That, or she knows nothing about travellers at all:
“They are uncertain every night whether or not they will be evicted from their homes in the morning, which causes them much worry and strain.

Due to this uncertain situation, they have therefore not developed any sort of permanent relationship with their environment and much of the site is dilapidated and in disarray.”
Yes, quite unlike all other traveller encampments, eh..?
“The travellers at Dale Farm remain strong and dignified, despite their precarious living situation, overt prejudice from their neighbours and their ongoing struggle to preserve their way of life in a society designed for settled, literate people.”
If literacy is such a part of their culture that they consider it one of the things that sets them apart, why are you trying to teach them to read?


  1. I'm sure there are, somewhere, some nice, hard-working, law abiding "travellers".

    However, going by my own experience of these "communities" this is not usually the case. One lot set up next door to someone I used to do business with. They had to hire a 24 security team as the scum would be cutting through the fences literally every night.

    Then there were the lot that took over an urban site near me recently ... the place still reeks of human faeces months afterwards.

    As to the motivations of these lefties I really think they have something wrong with their brains at times. It seems to be the case that they think anything thats against western values is good, anything a sensible person would consider good is bad in their eyes.

  2. "the traveller community will be scattered across the country"

    Yup, that sounds like "travelling" to me....

    If they want to set up a permanent camp why not buy a house like anyone else?

  3. The American solution to their original native travellers was to forcibly put them on Reservations, miles from anywhere useful (to the natives, that is).

  4. Only one way to deal with scum. Ask this guy;

  5. Maybe he could deal with Google as well.

  6. Why aren't there more photos? Was her camera nicked?

  7. So let me get this right...Pikey is as Pikey does and some American fuckwit can't see the issue.



    This sums up pikeys** for me.

    If you don't travel then you are 'settled' so buy or rent a house or flat and ahut the fuck up.

    I'm sure the USA has enough of its own swamp dwellers for fuckwits like this stupid tart to play with. WTF is she here?

    ** Rogue Traders in BBC-speak!

  9. If you wish to develop a property and live on it, it is perfectly possible to do so. A glance along the newsagent's shelves will show several titles dedicated to the self-build market. Guestimates are that about 15,000 houses are self-builds, that's about 10% of all newbuilds.

    As Britain has no restrictions on who may buy property rights, the Irish travellers are able to do so. Had they bought development land and complied with the planning regs, then they would be all done by now. There are many developments based on mobile homes in East Anglia. Here is an example.

    Indeed, Essex has a tradition of self-build strip-development, known as plotlands.

    So nobody is stopping them any more than they are stopping you, me or Farmer Palmer from developing land which is earmarked for that purpose. But if any of us want to, we have to comply with the planning and building regulations.

    What is the silly American on about? Nobody's rights have been infringed because they don't have the right to stick up a shanty on agricultural land in the first place.

    (At this point Mark Wadsworth intervenes to explain how LVT will sort it out.)

  10. Obama's revenge? I wouldn't put it past him, he hates us.

  11. Does she like dags?

  12. "I'm sure there are, somewhere, some nice, hard-working, law abiding "travellers".

    However, going by my own experience of these "communities" this is not usually the case."

    The original travellers, the true gypsys, living as they did under the sufferance of farmers, probably did genuinely attempt not to become too unwelcome.

    But most of the modern travellers don't fit that bill at all...

    "The American solution to their original native travellers was to forcibly put them on Reservations..."

    Good point!

    "Why aren't there more photos? Was her camera nicked?"


    "Nobody's rights have been infringed because they don't have the right to stick up a shanty on agricultural land in the first place."

    Luckily, we turfed out our former government before they could grant that right as well. I'm keeping a sharp eye on iDave though...

  13. "Obama's revenge? I wouldn't put it past him, he hates us."

    Me neither!

  14. Matthew Craig-Greene22 June 2010 at 13:25

    Hello, keyboard warriors!

    I'm Matt, I have lived in Billericay almost my entire life and I was born in Basildon. Susan (variously, according to all of you charmers, the "fucktard", "fuckwit" "tart" this article was written about) is my wife. we have been together for over ten years and she is a full-time mum to our two young children. She volunteers her time at the Dale Farm site, where she helps residents that cannot read to understand the council communications they receive and is trying to help those that want to learn to read.

    Susan has many more photographs of her time at the site and she will be putting more online in the future. The "pikeys" didn't nick her camera, but they did pray for our son when he was very ill in hospital - no pictures of that, sorry.

    I don't doubt that there are troublemakers at this site and at others, too, but do you really think it is right to lump all of the Travellers in together? It wouldn't be fair of me to call all blog commenters ignorant racist nazi-sympathising bigots, just because SOME of you are, would it?

    Some of their practices seem nuts to me, but just because they are different, doesn't make them any better or worse. If certain elements have been behaving illegally, I am sure the authorities will deal with them appropriately.

    In case anyone is interested in what is actually happening at the site, you will be able to follow it at Susan's blog for the Advocacy Project.

  15. "Hello, keyboard warriors!"

    Well, hello Matt!

    You or your wife spend a lot of time Googling her own name, then?

    "She volunteers her time at the Dale Farm site, where she helps residents that cannot read to understand the council communications they receive..."

    I bet they have no such problems understanding benefit claims forms, but then, I'm pretty cynical...

    "The "pikeys" didn't nick her camera, but they did pray for our son when he was very ill in hospital..."

    That's nice. Unlikely to cut much ice when measured against the fact that Dale Farm is an illegal camp on greenbelt land, but nice...

    "It wouldn't be fair of me to call all blog commenters ignorant racist nazi-sympathising bigots..."

    No, it wouldn't be fair, but it certainly would be the level of discourse we've come to expect from the usual useful idiots that ally themselves to leftist causes (even by marriage, it seems), so knock yourself out, if you wish.

    "If certain elements have been behaving illegally, I am sure the authorities will deal with them appropriately."

    I'm guessing you don't read much news.

    You have noticed, have you not, that Dale Farm is an illegal camp on greenbelt?

    You have noticed the reluctance of councils and the police to deal with these landthieves as they deal with any normal taxpaying member of society who dares put a foot wrong?

    "In case anyone is interested..."

    Oh, I'll be keeping an eye on it, for certain.

  16. It wouldn't be fair of me to call all blog commenters ignorant racist nazi-sympathising bigots

    But you will, in a round about way, anyway.

    And except for the "ignorant" part, my opinions are formed from personal experience, I will hold my hands up PROUDLY to the rest.

    I never WOULD have done. But then Gypoes, ragheads, coons, queers, chavs, work shy, and whatever else, have filled their own nests with so much shit, it makes one wonder if "Nazis" did not have a point.

  17. Matthew Craig-Greene22 June 2010 at 16:22

    Hello Julia!

    Googling my wife's name is BORING - almost nothing comes up :(

    It sounds like you think that the health of a sick child "doesn't cut much ice" when compared with the horror of contravening planning laws. Did you really mean to type that? I only ask because it makes you seem kind of crazy...and I'm sure you are not.

    Funnily enough, the Travellers actually DO have trouble filling in benefit forms, too.

    You seem VERY well informed on the whole issue, so I am sure you know that much of the Dale Farm site is a legal settlement. Presumably you have no issue with those travellers in that part of the site.
    With regards to inactivity on behalf of the council and law enforcement, you are probably better served by addressing your complaints to them, rather than to me (something tells me that you may have done this already, which I think is great. I don't believe anyone should be engaging in criminal activity and those that do deserve a fit and proper punishment).

    I'm very sorry that you felt spoken to by my clear reference to "Furor Teutonicus" and his tasteful referencing of one of the Holocaust architects. That clearly wasn't meant for you; if you want to identify just with the "racist bigot" bit, fine by me. FT is clearly a well-balanced individual...

    Have you heard the one about the man who shouted "imbecile" in a pub just to see who turned round?

    Love and kisses to you all, except FT - I don't want to catch anything


  18. "It sounds like you think that the health of a sick child "doesn't cut much ice" when compared with the horror of contravening planning laws. Did you really mean to type that?"

    Yes. Indeed I did.

    You see, I'm not one of those 'Awwww, the underclass and their touchingly amusing ways are so cute!' crowd.

    I don't give a damn what they do to keep useful idiots like your wife onside to further their cause. It doesn't excuse them breaking the law.

    Though I do begin to wonder just who is the 'pet' of whom in that relationship...

    "Funnily enough, the Travellers actually DO have trouble filling in benefit forms, too. "

    Obviously not enough. Even the 'Indy' didn't dispute the claim that there's a very high takeup of benefits in the traveller 'culture'.

    And for those that do have problems, there's always this handy DVD.

    Strangely enough though, there seem to be some who know just how the system 'works'...

    "Presumably you have no issue with those travellers in that part of the site. "

    Correct. I've no issue with legal sites. Helps the police to know where they are all supposed to be...

    "...his tasteful referencing of one of the Holocaust architects."

    It's the innernetz, Matt. You can choose any name you wish to post under.

  19. Matthew Craig-Greene22 June 2010 at 17:45

    Dear Julia,

    I wasn't talking about his/her posting name, rather the wikipedia link. Surely even you don't think that a fit and proper punsihment for contravening planning regulations is death?

    Don't worry, I never had you down as one of those 'Awwww, the underclass and their touchingly amusing ways are so cute!'

    They sound AWFUL! In case you have never been there, there is very little at the Dale Farm site that is "cute".

  20. "...his tasteful referencing of one of the Holocaust architects."

    Can not deny that a former head of Interpol knows how to police, now can you?

  21. "Surely even you don't think that a fit and proper punsihment for contravening planning regulations is death?"

    I'd like there to be SOME punishment, at least.

    At the moment, there's a glaring disparity between the action taken on ordinary taxpayers who contravene planning regulations and these habitual criminals.

    Are you seruiously unaware that the longer this goes on, the greater the chances of people - desperate people - simply taking the law into their own hands?

    Or is that what you and your wife would like to see, so as to better advance your own agenda?

  22. Climate Change Denier1 December 2010 at 13:42

    "Susan is originally from Oklahoma and is an International Relations graduate of Oklahoma State University. She first came to Europe on a Bailey Scholarship to the University of Leipzig, to study the changing role of women in reunified Germany, returning to teach in Germany two years later on a Fulbright scholarship. In 2002, she left a role at an IT market research consultancy to complete an MA in Human Rights at the University of Essex..."

    I stopped reading at this point. Susan is clearly a cunt who can just fuck off back to Oklahoma and take her smug cunt of a husband with her.

    There. I feel better now.
