Tuesday 1 June 2010

I Guess ‘Peaceful’ Is Something That Just Doesn’t Translate Well…

Talat Ali, 40, organizer from the Palestine Solidarity Campaign said: "This is a peaceful demonstration against the attack that has taken place on the Gaza flotilla.

"We are not happy with the way commanders boarded vessels and butchered people.

"We are not happy with the biased news given by the BBC."
So, just how did they express their ‘peacefulness’..?
Protesters demonstrating against the Israeli attack on a Gaza-bound aid ship have attempted to storm the BBC in Manchester.

More than 800 people marched through the city centre and down Oxford Road, where the crowd surged at the BBC's entrance, smashing its front doors.

One man climbed to the top of the building to plant a Palestinian flag and there were at least three arrests.


  1. I think "peaceful" is code for "nobody died".

  2. "Peace" does not mean the same to members of a certain religion as it does to the rest of us.

  3. There is a real risk of getting hurt during contemporay protests.

    Which must explain why Israelis wear Nazi style helmets during 'peaceful' actions.

  4. Hang on, someone from the Palestinian side is complaining about BBC bias? WTF?

  5. I guess that this is "post-normal peace" - rather like climatology has become "post-normal science".

  6. Hang on, someone from the Palestinian side is complaining about BBC bias? WTF?

    It's instinctive and serves two purposes:
    1. They can still claim that thousands died in Jenin
    2. The BBC can say "Both sides complain of bias - that proves we are neutral"

  7. Hang on, someone from the Palestinian side is complaining about BBC bias? WTF?

    To my jaundiced eye, this is a defensive action. They're actually thinking that this is an issue that could be reported against them, and telling the BBC that it's a nice news organisation they have there, and it would be a shame if anything happened to it.


  8. Surely we could ask the Israelis if we could borrow some of their Marines?

    They know precisely what to do with these types, and the more they do it the better.

  9. To some folk "peace" just means you have to stand still while I hit you. I suspect that Talat Ali may be one of those.

  10. I suppose Talit Ali is 'British' just like all the 'British' people held by the Izz-Ra-Ayli's?

  11. Clarissa,
    They are rathceting it up. Complain about bias and next time it'll be even more pro-Palestinian. They shall not give up until Panorama describes the "Protocols of The Elders of Zion" as absolute truth and the Sunday afternoon movie is "The Eternal Jew".

    It's Taqqiya.

    I posted a very measured piece over at Cats and got one especially unmeasured reply. I live just outside of Mancheter. I am often in the city. I'm starting to get less measured.

    God almighty. The World is going to hell in a handcart. I some some GROLIES protesting in Newcastle yesterday. They of course weren't hijabed, they of course would object to being bought and sold and squeezing out kiddies for Allah until their pelvic floor wobbles between their knees.

  12. "I think "peaceful" is code for "nobody died"."


    "Which must explain why Israelis wear Nazi style helmets during 'peaceful' actions."

    I can't see that they are any more 'Nazi-style' than helmets worn by other squads around the world.

    Eye of the beholder, and all that...

    "Hang on, someone from the Palestinian side is complaining about BBC bias? WTF?"

    Yeah, mind-boggling. But I think TDK & slowjoe have hit on the reasoning behind it...

    "To some folk "peace" just means you have to stand still while I hit you."

    They are used to that being the case over here.

  13. "God almighty. The World is going to hell in a handcart."

    It does have that feeling of 'things fall apart, the centre cannot hold' at times...
