Wednesday 30 June 2010

Men: Been Sexually Assaulted?

Hey, it wasn’t so bad, was it? Not ‘a horror’ or anything?
Rape victims are not given enough support because the majority are women, a councillor has claimed.
It'll come as no surprise, I'm sure, to hear this is a Green...
Green councillor Alex Phillips said more money would be made available to tackle the issue if men suffered the horrors that women do from sexual violence.
Men, you see, it's like getting a splinter, or something. A few beers with their mates, and they'll get over it...

God, I'm ashamed to share a gender with this creature.
Coun Phillips asked for the council's chief executive to write to the Government and ask for the funding to be ring-fenced so it could only be used to help victims.

But fellow councillors rejected the request and criticised her for using the issue to try to score political points.
When even your fellow ratepayer parasites think you've gone too far, you've gone too far!
The panel, which heard evidence from victims and charities, estimates 4,235 women and girls aged between 16 and 59 - or more than 11 a day - were victims of a sexual assault in the city in the past year.

The report estimates the social cost of sex offences - including lost work time and costs of treating long-term health issues - at £60 million between April 2007 and March 2008, making it the most expensive crime to afflict the city.
I wonder if they are classing as 'sexual assault' wolf-whistling and complimenting a female on her appearance?

Because I cannot see how they reach those figures otherwise. Even in Brighton....


  1. I thought that my local councilors were bonkers, just... wow.

    You may be being unfair to the Greens though, I'm sure there is a sensible one out there, somewhere.

    I'm also curious as to how those figures were arrived at, the crime figures from UpMyStreet for 08/09 suggest 1.3 sexual offences were reported per 1000 population. This works out at around 330 cases.

    Either Brighton is having a major crime wave this year, or those figures are being 'adjusted' pretty heavily.

    Even including adjacent areas I can't see any way that the reported crimes and estimate could be so different. At a guess, much of that estimate will come from stretching the definition as you've mentioned.

    Another large chunk is likely to come from 'Adjusting for unreported crimes'

  2. 'Adjusting for unreported crimes'

    In other words, lying like a flat fish.

  3. No. Where's the best place to go?

  4. "Men: Been Sexually Assaulted?
    Hey, it wasn’t so bad, was it?"

    Unless of course you've been arse-raped by a man. (I'm told)

  5. They had a nude bike ride there the other day.
    Just imagining the scenario. Drink and smoke up some 'dutch courage' before the event. Have a celebratory drink and smoke after the event.
    Wake up in the morning with no clear memory of the previous day and a severe case of saddle rash. Then think that someone must have.....

  6. "Either Brighton is having a major crime wave this year, or those figures are being 'adjusted' pretty heavily."


    "In other words, lying like a flat fish."

    They are clearly being very economical with the actualité...

    "No. Where's the best place to go?"

    If you're female, clearly Brighton and Hove. If you're male...errr....I'd still say Brighton and Hove!

    "Wake up in the morning with no clear memory of the previous day and a severe case of saddle rash. Then think that someone must have....."

    Good point! :)

  7. Question 1 should be "What constitutes a sexual assault?"

    I suspect they'll include any physical contact that was unwelcome - stand in a passageway and somebody is forced to brush by - assault.

    I'd put money on the definition being used is along those lines - the PC can't help themselves.
