Thursday 3 June 2010

‘Positive’ Discrimination…

A council has been accused of discrimination after white people were barred from applying for two £18,000-a-year jobs.
Oh, great. The election just saw off the BNP, and now the councils want to encourage them again…
One jobseeker, who did not wish to be named, described the posts as 'totally racist'.
I guess he didn’t get the memo that ‘racism’ seems to depend on the whim of whichever politicallycorrect group has the local council by the short & curlies…
'I feel the job would be an excellent opportunity for me to make use of the skills and qualifications that I have acquired but, being white, I am excluded.

'Equal opportunities means giving everyone an equal chance to succeed rather than discriminating against people because of the colour of their skin.'
Yup, he definitely didn’t get the memo. The old idea of equal opportunities long since left the building.
Bristol council has 9,000 members of staff, not including teachers, of which 630, or seven per cent, are from ethnic minorities.

Because 12 per cent of Bristol residents come from minority backgrounds the council has begun trying to redress this imbalance.

You see, unless the councillors look like you, they can’t possibly ‘represent’ you. That’s right, isn’t it?

I mean, people shun supermarkets and civic amenities and public transport if the make-up of their staff doesn’t match the percentage of ethnic minorities in the area.

Don’t they?

James Easey, a spokesman for the council said advertising ethnic minority-only posts was allowed under race relations legislation.
Sometimes, ‘allowable’ does not equal ‘advisable’…


  1. Do keep up, Julia, these aren't "jobs", they're "two year training posts", so it's all perfectly kosher...

  2. I can't help noticing that when ethnic minorities are statistically over represented, such as in medicine, no one feels an urgent need to redress the balance.

  3. "advertising ethnic minority-only posts was allowed under race relations legislation"

    In the same way that designating your sister's spare room as your main home is allowable under HoC expenses rules?

    i.e. wrong in every sense except that it complies with a set of arbitrary rules?

  4. " it's all perfectly kosher..."


    "I can't help noticing that when ethnic minorities are statistically over represented, such as in medicine, no one feels an urgent need to redress the balance."

    No, indeed. Quite the opposite. Remember Dianne Abbott?

    "In the same way that designating your sister's spare room as your main home is allowable under HoC expenses rules?"

    Heh! Quite...

  5. AgainsTTheWall3 June 2010 at 14:43

    Oh, great. The election just saw off the BNP, and now the councils want to encourage them again

    Whitey will always be discriminated against in any society which is controlled by blacks, asians, jews or hispanics. Only where the political class values white people will we have a chance to enjoy a secure and prosperous existence. Such a political class\group\party can only be described as 'racist' in these treacherous times. Your derogatory remarks towards the BNP places you firmly on the side of those who persecute white people. I suppose somewhere in your belief system reside the cliches about us all being equal, us all bleeding the same, good and bad in all, why cant we all get along etc. Pathetic emotional drivel. Be in no doubt that we are slated for extinction, by mass immigration, miscegenation and when we can no longer defend ourselves mass slaughter of the men and boys.

    Do you welcome this?

  6. So when the ethnic minority has done the training, (s)he will be put on level playing field with other applicants and may the best person win?
    Not if said Council want to up the numbers of ethnic minorities on their payroll.
    The unintended consequences of all this will be that any ethnic minority who gets a job with the Council could be regarded as a 'token' or window dressing and in some cases it might be true. That is no way to run a business

  7. "Only where the political class values white people will we have a chance to enjoy a secure and prosperous existence. "

    If you removed the word 'white' from that sentence, it'd make far more sense.

    "The unintended consequences of all this will be that any ethnic minority who gets a job with the Council could be regarded as a 'token' or window dressing..."

    Indeed. Just as Harriet's plan for 50/50 female representation will now cast a pall over every selection, good and bad alike.
