Sunday 6 June 2010

Sign Of The Times...

High temperatures throughout the afternoon swelled numbers and what began as good-natured fun soon descended into a police incident.
Yup, you heard that right. A water fight, for the love of ...
Scotland Yard was forced to issue a Section 60 order allowing officers to search revellers in the area.
To search them for what? Water?

Hmm, I wonder what the chances were of discovering people carrying water in London yesterday in the 85 degree heat?


  1. In the wake of this incident, police blogs have been awash with calls for a better state of readiness.

    Inspector Gizmo expressed the view that most officers should have a loaded water pistol but he was less sure about the drips.

  2. Well if they paid attention to the non-stop health and safety advice during hot weather on the underground EVERYONE should have been carrying at least a small condoms worth of water...that should be enough for a water bomb. That said, were these annoying internet directed idiots having water fights among themselves or were people with real jobs and other things they needed to do unwillingly involved and thus annoyed? Maybe the reported outbreaks of real violence were enough to worry the authorities. If I had been out and about and got drenched someone would have been thumped!

  3. As ever, it's all about control.
    It's all they understand.

  4. "Or were people with real jobs and other things they needed to do unwillingly involved and thus annoyed?"

    On an ordinary day I would be inclined to agree, however if I was struggling around a built up area in 85F degree heat, I doubt that would have been too concerned if I found myself sprayed with water....

    But in any case what's wrong with the police just trying a more low key approach, and warning the "revellers" to keep it sensible? Or have they forgotten how to do their job???

  5. let's all indulge these inconsiderate wankers shall we? From Hyde Park to Oxford Street. What is the matter with people today - get a life...better still fucking grow up! Why the Old bill needed a section 60 order? Maybe we don't know all the facts innit!

  6. Something like about 1500 turned up. Most were young people wanting a bit of fun, but of course it was ruined by a few chavs and wannabe gangstas.
    There was at least one stabbing and a couple of arrests for fighting.
    It could have been much worse..

  7. "Inspector Gizmo expressed the view that most officers should have a loaded water pistol but he was less sure about the drips."


    "Well if they paid attention to the non-stop health and safety advice during hot weather on the underground EVERYONE should have been carrying at least a small condoms worth of water..."

    Good point!

    "On an ordinary day I would be inclined to agree, however if I was struggling around a built up area in 85F degree heat, I doubt that would have been too concerned if I found myself sprayed with water...."

    Me neither.

    I always carry a little aerosol spray in my handbag for hot Tube journeys, and no-one ever complained about any spray seepage in their direction!

    "Most were young people wanting a bit of fun, but of course it was ruined by a few chavs and wannabe gangstas."

