Tuesday 8 June 2010

Well, 2010 Is Going The Same Way As 2009...

...at least as far as fake rape claims are going, anyway:
...Hunter finally admitted she made up the allegation because she was scared of being prosecuted for crashing her boyfriend’s car, which she was not insured to drive.
That anonymity thing is looking a lot better now, eh, iDave?
Hunter, a mother of two, admitted causing wasteful employment of police time - which carries a maximum six-month prison sentence - as well as using a vehicle without insurance and failing to stop after an accident.
She'll probably get longer for the latter...

Hat-tip: AntiCitizenOne.


  1. Julia, I could never understand why they should publish the accused name in what is an "allegation" of rape. After a conviction yes, before, no. I do understand though why the accuser has anonimity, to some extent anyway.

    And the feminist shout that convictions for rape are too low and should somehow be much higher really baffles me. Is it cos I is male?

  2. If a woman accuses me of rape, knowing that the accusation is false, that it will be published, and that my name will be made public, is that not slander?

    I seem to recall that it definitely is slander if I untruthfully cast doubt on a woman's sexual conduct. What worse slur on my sexual conduct could it be to suggest that I am a rapist?

  3. Regulars will know I have been down this road.

    There simply is nothing to protect men in this. The only real guarantee is no sex.

    again I was very lucky, two independent witnesses to the events of the evening with my false accuser, they, my lodger and her boyf, overheard as they had on several previous occasions our moans and groans, probably to their own amusement or distraction. They were also engaged in conversation with her while I was at work, much to my lodgers embarrassment apparently, about the finer details of our sex life. These conversations completely contradicted the story my accuser had concocted.

    It was this evidence amongst other things that secured my innocence in court. The police interviewed them and refused access to their statements as they were not going to be used. The council in Leeds was 'encouraged' to accommodate them in a flat before my release from custody. My legal team had to work pretty hard to track them down, thank the maker they did.

    I knew her a matter of weeks. In court we heard of her long history with mental issues all involving some sort of cry for help or attention.

    I read a comment recently of a man who has two young boys and with these cases and the recent one of the girl who wanted sweets so told her mum two young boys raped her the father commented he is very concerned how they can possibly go through adolescence and perhaps onto uni and do the things students do without falling foul of the system and the public's determination to cast all men as rapists.

    Its horrible, the worst thing that has ever happened to me, the consequences are permanent. No one cares, nothing is there to support a victim of a false allegation and I regularly lie to avoid having to explain the whole thing knowing that many will automatically treat me with suspicion regardless.

    I don't particularly hate my false accuser, more pissed off I ever met her in the first place and hoping that if she is unable to resolve her issues then the damage is limited to herself in the future. I'm quite positive that she has many types victims in her family and friends.

    Its a shame that its a fact that most who even agree with the obvious inequalities and injustice in anonymity and punishment of false accusers will not stand up and be counted because of the nature of the crime.
    Let just face it guys we have to trust a woman that she will continue to report her consent to our encounters and many will say plenty of rubbish quite easily after a messy break up or just to be the centre of attention. The same is true in respect of being in control of potential pregnancy when a woman reports she is taking the pill, no guarantees and no undo button.
    I know lots of women who have told me that they have been raped at some stage in their life, usually when younger. As I listen a common story emerges, one that they had flirted or been in a relationship, had not cried out for help or made any physical struggle, had said they didn't really want to but in any event allowed themselves to be persuaded and basically lay there and let him get on with it. The real upset seems to have developed later in retrospect of their actions. Now I have to say if I was not getting any feedback from a lover I would definitely stop and find out what was what. Having a wank has got to be better than banging away with some one who just lies there?!? Back to the multitude of rape victims who have told me their story and I can't help thinking, never say at the time, this isn't rape, sure you've been used but not attacked.

    The whole thing is just rubbish. I applaud you Julia for highlighting this issue. Its becoming increasingly apparent isn't it that the problem of rape is hugely overstated, false allegations are dramatically more common than we think and the system is incapable of protecting the innocent while dealing with the guilty.

  4. "And the feminist shout that convictions for rape are too low and should somehow be much higher really baffles me. Is it cos I is male?"

    Yes. Always.

    "...is that not slander?"

    Indeed. But I suspect they rely on men wanting it over and done with, and lacking the resources or heart to pursue it.

    "There simply is nothing to protect men in this."

    The tide CAN be turned. But not overnight.

  5. "Its becoming increasingly apparent isn't it that the problem of rape is hugely overstated, false allegations are dramatically more common than we think..."

    Have seen several estimates of the scale of the problem on police blogs, in the comments.

    And yes, 'frequent flyers' are well known to the local force. Without the CPS, they would never see court...
