Wednesday 7 July 2010

Another In The List Of Things...

...that some council goon can apparently interview you under caution for:
He added: “I wasn’t at the shop when they came in so they got hold of my mobile phone number and rang me.

“They said ‘take the banners down’ and I said ‘why?’ “They told me they couldn’t be bothered to explain why and that if I didn’t take them down within seven days they would bring me in and interview me under caution.”
Watch out! It's the Banner Police!
Martin Hunt, (Ed: rhyming slang..?) Colchester councillor responsible for street and waste services, said his staff took a firm, fair approach to dealing with leaflets and banners.
And if local businessmen don't comply, what next? Tazers?


  1. I would be inclined to let them "bring me in" - along with a good solicitor to ask how they can accuse me of something "they couldn’t be bothered to explain "...

  2. But most people wouldn't. That's why they feel able to get away with this...
