Thursday 1 July 2010

By Hook Or By Crook...

Remember the villagers of Meriden, and the spirited defence they mounted in the face of council inertia?

Well, you'll be pleased to know that the council has finally been raised from its lethargy and has now sprung into action to...

Wait, what?
For two months the villagers mounted round-the-clock vigils to prevent gipsies from building an illegal camp in a field near their homes.

So it came as an unwelcome shock to the residents of Meriden, near Coventry, when diggers were allowed in yesterday - because the council decreed it was necessary for health and safety reasons.

A planning meeting to decide if the gipsies will be allowed to stay is due to be held in seven days, but they managed to persuade the council that they were entitled to a water supply and sanitation and should be allowed to start connecting their camp to the sewerage system.

Perhaps the villagers have been going about this all wrong. Perhaps it's not the field they need to mount an impassable barricade around, but the council offices...


  1. Unbelievable isn't it Julia? I really feel councils need to be gutted of those who have no clue about how to run one. Rather like the MPs who've just been on radio complaining about their new expenses system and one openly admitted he didn't have a clue about computers so couldn't fill in the forms.

    How do these people get these jobs?

  2. What happened to the pikeys who set up camp on a site designated for a new police headquarters? Any chance they've been given the right to put water and sewerage supplies in? Or have they been turfed off PDQ?

    I genuinely don't know, but I do know which way I'd be betting.............

  3. God, they make me sick with their health and safety crap. The stock excuse of idiots for doing something idiotic.

    Grrr ...

  4. if you all realised your official place in society you would realise that you sole right is to pay for things and be respectfully quiet.
    Haven't you noticed?

  5. "Rather like the MPs who've just been on radio complaining about their new expenses system and one openly admitted he didn't have a clue about computers so couldn't fill in the forms.

    How do these people get these jobs?"

    Oh, the MPs complaints clearly show they've still got no idea how they are viewed...

    "What happened to the pikeys who set up camp on a site designated for a new police headquarters? Any chance they've been given the right to put water and sewerage supplies in?"

    I can't find a thing. No updates, nothing. All searches lead me back just to the original news item.


    "The stock excuse of idiots for doing something idiotic."

    Or, the stock excuse for idiots doing something they wanted to do all along, but couldn't quite manage under existing laws...

    " would realise that you sole right is to pay for things and be respectfully quiet."

    It's beginning to look that way. Hope the people of Meriden remember that when voting time rolls around...
