Wednesday 7 July 2010

I Can't See This Going Down Well At 'Stonewall'...

'To illustrate the point with trivial stereotypical examples from British society: just as male heterosexuals are free to enjoy themselves playing rugby, drinking beer and talking about girls with their mates, so male homosexuals are to be free to enjoy themselves going to Kylie concerts, drinking exotically coloured cocktails and talking about boys with their straight female mates.'

I just...

Has Lord Rodger ever actually met any gay men? Or has he just seen them on TV?


  1. Nothing like a bit of stereotyping, eh!

  2. Crumbs!

    I heard about this story on R4 at lunchtime where Alan Duncan and Tessa Jowell were being interviewed and where the latter was slightly wrong-footed by the enthusiasm of the former for this Supreme Court ruling.

    Homosexuals from countries with laws inimical to homosexuality now simply need to hot-foot it to the UK. And how many straight economic migrants are going to pretend to enjoy Kylie and brightly coloured cocktails?

    We're bonkers.

  3. Mick, having seen imagery of how the Iranians, for example, treat gays (of either sex) then I think that this is a good decision.

    I would much rather them come here than see them hanged from a crane.

  4. Lord Rodger said,

    To illustrate the point with trivial stereotypical examples from British society: just as male heterosexuals are free to enjoy themselves playing rugby, drinking beer and talking about girls with their mates, so male homosexuals are to be free to enjoy themselves going to Kylie concerts, drinking exotically coloured cocktails and talking about boys with their straight female mates.'

    Lord Roger goes on to insist that 'sexual identity is inherent to one's very identity as a person', citing the genius of the poet A.E. Houseman and the brilliant mathematician Alan Turing.

    The opening line "trivial stereotypical examples from British society"

    Inspired summing up methinks.

  5. That is beautiful Julia!

    For the record: I enjoy Rugby, cocktails and Kylie and...

    I'm married...

    ... To a woman!

  6. @nbc,

    Fine. You pay for them.


    You've thought about it, haven't you?

  7. "And how many straight economic migrants are going to pretend to enjoy Kylie and brightly coloured cocktails?"

    There's bound to be some kind of test. Not sure the Immigration chaps are going to like it, though!

  8. RantinRab said...

    Nothing like a bit of stereotyping, eh!

    To be fair, he DID point out in his very first sentence that, that was EXACTLY what he was doing;

    'To illustrate the point with trivial stereotypical examples from British society:

  9. One more reason never to go to Africa. Nasty place, mostly full of nasty people

  10. @English Viking

    I already do, whether I like it or not.

  11. I thought the whole point of 'seeking asylum' was that you would want to go to the nearest safe place, not travel around the world to find the most convenient, generous and accomodating.

    If the UK isn't the nearest safe place they should be deported, and at their own expense which should do something to reduce these opportunists.
