Wednesday 28 July 2010

Should It Have..?

The Archbishop, who was once an advocate in the High Court of Uganda, argued for the creation of an appeals process, and added that he had been a "victim" of stop and search eight times.

He told peers: "When the policeman suddenly realised that I was a bishop, that didn't stop me being stopped and searched…"

Maybe they do things differently in Uganda…


  1. "But I'm the Archbishop of York."

    "Yes, Sir, and I'm Dixon of Dock Green. Now, once again, I have reason to be believe you are hiding an illegal immigrant under your cassock."

  2. "When the policeman suddenly realised that I was a bishop, that didn't stop me being stopped and searched…"

    "I've started, so I'll finish..."

  3. The Old Bill have experience of the modern senior churchman:

    On 5 December 2006, Dr Butler returned home from a function at the Irish embassy in London with a head injury, which he claimed to be unable to remember sustaining.

    He contacted the police claiming that he had been mugged. However, it was subsequently suggested in the media that Butler, apparently under the influence of alcohol, had sustained the injury while being removed from a stranger's car into which he had apparently climbed and had begun throwing out the children's toys from the back seats.
    On being questioned about this seemingly eccentric behaviour, he is alleged to have responded, "I'm the Bishop of Southwark, it's what I do".

    In an interview with John Humphrys on BBC Radio 4's Today Programme on Tuesday, 19 December 2006, Dr Butler reiterated his statement that he had not been drinking heavily, and contended that someone who was greatly intoxicated could not have negotiated the complex tube route to his home from the reception location. He also stated that he was very worried that he still could not account for three hours of the evening in question, and was undergoing medical tests. Dr Butler gave the Thought for the Day on the same date.

  4. What with him wearing the mitre and cope and processing up the aisle of York Minster at the time, one would have hoped that the police could deduce who he was and his immediate purpose.

  5. WoaR - Don't be silly, they would still need to close the Minster for the rest of the day, and get a forensics team in to scour the place for clues....

    In some parts they not only close a major "A" road for most of the day after an accident, they close it AGAIN shortly afterwards to stage a reconstruction!!!

  6. Shall we just say it? Ok then, here goes;

    You got stopped because you're black, and the reason that Babylon like to stop blacks is because they commit more crimes, per capita in the UK, than whites.

    Not too difficult, was it?

  7. Oh dear, your recent comments widget is stuck in December 2009. Mine's stuck in July 2009.

  8. Caught a bit of 'Thinking Aloud' with Professor Laurie Taylor on R4 today. He can be such a patronising and pompous cock. The bit I caught was this:

    '..........a new study from Norwegian Sociologist Sveinung Sandberg looks at the life skills that Oslo drug dealers acquire and explores whether operating from within a welfare state is very different from the street life of dealers in the USA.....'

    Apart from establishing the fact that people are actually studying such shite this actually stated that the drug trade in Bergen for example is almost completely dominated by 'black yoots' and that there is a lot of crime and disorder around drug dealing and if you are a nice person you don't go near certain places after dark.

    Same the world over it seems.

    Blacks are disproportionately over represented in the drug, gang and street crime culture the fucking world over.

    Laurie, of course, was in raptures about the creativity that goes along with all this......yeah...bloody rap 'music'.

    Fuck off Semantu and play your race card elsewhere. STop being such a boring tosser Taylor!

  9. Apart from that article not making much sense, if the Bishop was suggesting that there should be an appeals process against your assets being seized purely on the basis of 'reasonable suspicion' then he clearly has a good case.

    oh, and wot English Viking said.

  10. John Sentamu is one of the people who introduced the term "Institutional Racism" to our language ( ). I think that is far from the best thing he ever did, and suspect others share that view.

    Is it not possible that all these stops and searches of him are just taking the mick?

    Given this possible categorisation of him as a statistical outlier, I'm not sure his 8 stops mean much. However, I am willing to be corrected by those with a record of the dates of each stop.

    Best regards

  11. "The Old Bill have experience of the modern senior churchman..."

    Oh, yes! I remember that story. Utterly bizarre...

    "In some parts they not only close a major "A" road for most of the day after an accident, they close it AGAIN shortly afterwards to stage a reconstruction!!!"

    Oh, good grief!

    "Oh dear, your recent comments widget is stuck in December 2009. Mine's stuck in July 2009."

    Yes, Blogger's clearly having a bad day...

    "Laurie, of course, was in raptures about the creativity that goes along with all this......yeah...bloody rap 'music'."

    I wonder if that's because, when Laurie goes home, it's nowhere near any of the places or people he has lauded..?

  12. "Apart from that article not making much sense, if the Bishop was suggesting that there should be an appeals process against your assets being seized purely on the basis of 'reasonable suspicion' then he clearly has a good case."

    Yup, that part he got right. Pity about the rest!

    "John Sentamu is one of the people who introduced the term "Institutional Racism" to our language ( ). I think that is far from the best thing he ever did..."

