Wednesday 14 July 2010

"They're creepy and they're kooky, mysterious and spooky..."

...and it seems they've taken to knife crime:

Oh, yeah. Thanks, Essex Police. You'll have Uncle Fester in cuffs in no time with that, I'm sure.


  1. He looks a bit like the aliens from Dark City.

  2. If that is the quality they get from CCTV then they might as well scrap the system and save money.

  3. Bang to rights! The game's up! Fair cop, guv'ner! NOT.

  4. After painstakingly making his press release crystal thingamjig, DC Enver returned to the more challenging duties of doughnut eating.

  5. Nosferatu ,definately

  6. Fair dos - the other one looks like a giant pink Easter Bunny with a moustache. How many couples in Westcliff are going to look like Halloween revellers in July?

    Yes, well..OK.

  7. "He looks a bit like the aliens from Dark City."

    Indeed! Or Nosferatu, as anon points out. Perhaps Westcliff residents need to stock up on garlic?

    "If that is the quality they get from CCTV then they might as well scrap the system and save money."

    It's probablt the worst I've seen from a released picture. Wonder what some of those they don't release look like?

    "How many couples in Westcliff are going to look like Halloween revellers in July?

    Yes, well..OK."

