Thursday 8 July 2010

Yesterday, Kingsnorth. Today, Brighton. Tomorrow..?

Smash EDO activists accused of plotting to cause thousands of pounds of damage to a Brighton weapons factory have been cleared after claiming to be preventing Israeli war crimes.
And naturally, the crusties and hippies and political activists are cock a hoop:
The defendants' solicitor, Lydia Dagostino, said: "We are delighted at the result. I think it sends a clear indication that sometimes direct action is the only option when all other avenues have failed."

Which you’d think would be a very dangerous message for the courts to give out.

Until you realise that they are very, very unlikely to be living in areas affected by any disorder and mayhem. Just as they are highly unlikely to be living in areas affected by any of the other decisions they make.

Still, I wonder if the Greens are regretting their choice of candidate now?

Caroline Lucas, Green MP for Brighton Pavilion, said: "I am absolutely delighted that the jury has recognised that the actions of the decommissioners were a legitimate response to the atrocities being committed in Gaza.

"I do not advocate non-violent direct action lightly.

"However, in this situation, it is clear that the decommissioners had exhausted all democratic avenues and, crucially, that their actions were driven by the responsibility to prevent further suffering in Gaza."

Well, other MPs clearly don’t think the laws apply to them, so why shouldn’t Comrade Caroline advocate civil disobedience and lawbreaking to her followers…?


  1. I'm glad you referenced Kingsnorth as as soon I read this I thought it was an even more stupid and insane judgement than that one.

    There will always be idiots running around thinking electricity or self defence are evil but one would hope those people are in front of the bench not behind it ><

    Excellent posts today BTW Julia.

  2. Is a person now allowed to destroy things on the basis that he or she may be preventing suffering in another part of the world at some point in the future?

    Oh... let's see. Say someone decided to torch a religious building on the basis that -- impossible though it may be -- the controlling group were inviting some wretched radical preacher who was going to espouse hatred for other people not of their persuasion. So, by removing the place of wailing which may bring suffering to others at an indeterminate point in time, the torch-bearer is free from any guilt.

    Interesting laws we have now.

  3. People could always smash up a few gypsy camps to protect the environment, then perhaps destroy the odd wind farm in the same cause.

    And as for those juicy mosques...

  4. Interesting precedent. I'm going to smash up my nearest mosque in order to prevent future death, injury and property damage to the town of Ashkelon.

  5. "Excellent posts today BTW Julia."

    Cheers! It was a bit of a target-rich environment. Has been all week, actually...

    "Interesting laws we have now."

    Thanks to meddling and activist lawyers...

    "People could always smash up a few gypsy camps to protect the environment, then perhaps destroy the odd wind farm in the same cause."

    Taking it to its logical conclusion, that's exactly where it could lead, as Gibby pointas out!
