Saturday 25 September 2010

The Day The Music PC Died!

So, getting up this morning, and my Dell has died.

'Insert boot disc!', it wails silently, into an otherwise black screen. Oh, I would, if I could only find it. I suspect it's mourning the loss of one of the blogosphere's finest. Or possibly, the motherboard has turned up its toes...

Boy, glad I didn't scrap or otherwise get rid of my old Evesham, albeit, it's like going from a chauffeur-driven Ferrari to a manual Lada. With no stereo or air-conditioning.

Blogging may be light and/or erratic in the next few days.


  1. Sounds as if your hard disk has given up the struggle. If it was the motherboard it wouldn't have got to that message.

    I just hope you had everything backed up.

  2. I too am glad you had a second computer. It would have been dreadful if you'd just disappeared on us. Think of the withdrawal symptoms. :-)

  3. Possibly the hard disk cable has just become loose - the cheaper SATA cables give a very unsecure connection.

  4. Wot moriarity sed. Check the connections, particularly power, and whether the bios can see the drive. If it is a SATA drive the power and signal connections can be very temperamental.

  5. Cheers all!

    According to my brother (who is coming over to sort out the PC sometime, hopefully this week) the problem does indeed look to be the drives, but he thinks it's salvagable from the screenshot I took of the error screen.

  6. Boot sector could be fucked.
