Thursday 16 September 2010

Decline In Standards...

Last week, MacHeath pointed us to the spread of homophones.

I thought about that post when I saw this, though given that it's actually spelled correctly in the sub-blurb, it might just be a typo in the headline:

Of course, as recent posts show, even large chains aren't immune to 'ooopsies!', and I spotted this in Sainsbury at the weekend:

It was pointed out to the nearest staff member, who smiled and nodded at the suggestion that it might be something she should raise with head office, in that 'I've no idea what's wrong with this sign, but just humour the crazy customer' way...


  1. They probably think a homophone is doin hate speach on ur mobile innit.

  2. @AE:
    *applauds riotously*
    Wish I'd thought of that!
    (Thanks for link, JuliaM)

  3. There's a sign in my local Morrison's saying 'Cooked Meals'.

    It's above the fridge section which happens to have cooked meats in it

  4. Nice one just cropped up on the Daily Fail about a killer swan (along with an amazingly tortuous punning headline)

    "He then swims up and down the pond triumphantly flapping his wings before inviting his mate and signet to view the kill."

    I have a screen shot for when it's changed

    Public enemy number swan:

  5. "They probably think a homophone is doin hate speach on ur mobile innit."


    "It's above the fridge section which happens to have cooked meats in it"

    Perhaps we should give them the benefit of the doubt, and assume that one occurred due to one of the infuriating 'move everything around so customers no longer know where everything is' exercises?

    "Nice one just cropped up on the Daily Fail about a killer swan..."


  6. aaahh they corrected it.
    But I have the screen shot, much like Klingons the interwebs nevers forgets..... or forgives
