Wednesday 15 September 2010

Fear And Loathing In Guardianland…

The surge of anger among US conservatives both with Barack Obama and the Republican party reached a new high point today when the Tea Party candidate, Christine O'Donnell, ousted the Republican establishment favourite in Delaware.
It’s an upset not just for pollsters, but for the ‘Guardian’ staffers who believed that Obama would unite the warring factions, part the seas, ease world hunger, etc…
It was one of the unlikeliest outcomes of the primary season, given that even a few weeks ago O'Donnell was widely regarded as being so far to the right as to be unelectable.
Oh, quelle horreur!
O'Donnell, who is pro-gun, anti-abortion, fiscally conservative and believes masturbation is a sin, won by 53% to 47% for Mike Castle, who has served the Republicans for 30 years, including stints as governor and in Congress.
The wailing and gnashing of teeth is just incredible!

Anyone would think the voters of Delaware had done it deliberately, just to pay the ‘Guardian’ back for the Clark County debacle…

And I suspect that Mike Castle’s ‘serving of the Republicans’ was the problem. Clearly, he wasn’t serving the voters!
Such is the anger among conservatives who think Obama is a socialist and the Republicans not rightwing enough that they were prepared to vote in O'Donnell, even though polls suggest she has little chance of beating the Democrats for the seat in November.
But sometimes, the polls are wrong…
The same polls suggested that Castle could win the traditionally Democratic state.

It was clearly more important to the voters that they send a message than that they win the seat with a RINO incumbent.

Frightening, isn’t it? It might catch on here!
Her campaign received a boost two weeks ago when the Tea Party endorsed her and gave her $250,000 in funding. Last week she was given another boost when Tea Party favourite Sarah Palin also endorsed her as did the National Rifle Association.
Look! Look! It was the Hand of Sarah Palin behind it!

Is it me, or has she now become the biggest bogeyman the Left have ever had?

The ‘Guardian’ can’t resist a ‘Look, even the other rightwing nutjobs can’t stomach her!’ jibe:
The national Republican party says it will not spend any money on O'Donnell, effectively throwing her under the bus. And Castle has already said he will not endorse her.
That sounds a lot more like pique and tantrum-flinging than good politics.

So, it appears the voters of Delaware chose wisely, eh?


  1. Hey Julia,

    Ever considered that the reason Democrats talk up the Palin effect and suggest she has magical polling powers is to ensure that the GOP selects an obviously weak, demonstrably ignorant candidate to challenge The One?

  2. Yo J,

    Pro-gun, anti-abortion, fiscally conservative and gets up the nose of lefties,she gets my vote.

    Although believing masturbation is a sin is a sticky for me ;)

  3. It's always nice to see the political establishment getting a well deserved kicking. If she wins the seat, now that would be most amusing.

  4. "who think Obama is a socialist"

    This is surprising, is it? Surely about the same proportion of people think water is wet.

  5. Is it me, or has she now become the biggest bogeyman the Left have ever had?

    She not only is but also an attractive woman. Something the left hate more than anything.

  6. So the polls which they believed were completely wrong, yet now they believe polls which say she cannot win against the Dems....?
    Whoops there goes another rubber tree plant!

    Just another example of how little the righteous, and much of the UK, actually know about the Yew-Ess-of-A.
    Just wish we had a little more of that approach here.

  7. Obama.
    The worry is he's going to do a 'Brown' and try to buy the votes in 2012 with QE money from 2010/11. It will probably work too.

    He has much more chance of succeeding than our own debt defier did, with the USA being the world's currency, but its still going to be a huge burden on US taxpayers.

    I think those slogans I saw briefly in a BBC shot in Alabama in 2008 might have been correct.

    "He's not the Messiah..He's a very naughty boy"

  8. I doubt that many male followers of Sarah Palin believe that masturbation is a sin.

  9. Palin followers may be in denial about all sorts of behaviour Mark! Politics is about bwanking - you can see how they get confused!

  10. "Hey Julia"

    Hi Shaun! Long time no see. Where are you hanging out now, since the demise of 'LfaT'?

    "Ever considered that the reason Democrats talk up the Palin effect and suggest she has magical polling powers is to ensure that the GOP selects an obviously weak, demonstrably ignorant candidate to challenge The One?"

    Ah, the old 'don't throw me in that briar patch!' gambit?

    It's a distant possibility. But nothing about the behaviour of the Dems post-Obama leads me to believe they are that competent...

    "Although believing masturbation is a sin is a sticky for me"

    TMI! ;)

    "It's always nice to see the political establishment getting a well deserved kicking. If she wins the seat, now that would be most amusing."

    Indeed. The reaction from the left would be awesome....

    "Just another example of how little the righteous, and much of the UK, actually know about the Yew-Ess-of-A."

    It's hard to believe how they could ever have thought the 'Clark County Exercise' could ever have worked, isn't it?

    "It will probably work too."

    Oh, it never fails...

    "Politics is about bwanking - you can see how they get confused!"

