Thursday 16 September 2010

The Great She-Beast Who Heralds The Apocalypse!

No, Matthew Norman doesn’t (quite) refer to Sarah Palin in those terms.

But he might as well have:
The misfortunes of others being the greatest solace in gloomy, scary times, God bless the United States of America!
However alarming the fiscal situation over here, however nerve-jangling the anticipation of the forthcoming Spending Review and its impact of industrial relations, however wretched the prospect of the low level civil unrest that follows the scapegoating of the deprived by the wealthy, glancing across the Atlantic cannot fail to raise the spirits.
Ah. That’s nice.

We might be suffering, but someone else is suffering ever more. Isn’t there a name for people who take pleasure in that sort of thing?
…it is apparent that America is suffering some kind of paranoid psychotic episode.
With the mid-term elections for Congress due in November, many voters in the primary for Republican senatorial candidate have plumped for somebody even they, Tea Party chimps though they are, know cannot conceivably win.
Now, that’s pretty strange, isn’t it? The sort of thing that any journalist worth his salt might want to investigate, rather than crouch atop his ivory tower, clutching Polly Toynbee to his breast and angrily swatting at those Tea Party biplanes…
Nurturer-in-chief of this suicidal instinct, inevitably, is Sarah Palin, the Jimmy Jones of the Grand Old Party. Buoyed by a spectacularly destructive Vanity Fair portrait quoting her weeping over her own inadequacy to cope with the demands of governing Alaska, Palin flirts ever more openly with running for the far less challenging position of president. Those who snort derisively at her chances of winning the GOP nomination in any field containing better informed and more articulate rivals than might be found in a Petri dish may find in Delaware a compelling vignette.
Whew! That’s some weapons-grade contempt there!

Should I get my hard-drive decontaminated?
That primary was held yesterday, and the result is unknown at the time of writing.
We know it now. I bet it made you choke on your cornflakes, Mattie….
This grassroots movement, so crudely but skilfully seeded and propagated by Palin and her sidekick Glenn Beck, would rather lose a national election with a candidate who precisely mirrors its prejudices than win it by supporting one who does not.
You mean, they prefer people to vote with their principles? How quaint! How bourgeois
The woman whose claim to have the requisite foreign policy experience for becoming vice-president rested solely on having kept look-out for encroaching Russian jets from the porch of her Wasilla home cannot be mistaken for an intellectual giantess, but she has a serious, instinctive gift for connecting with the bemused and credulous that it would be folly to underestimate.
So she’s an ignorant, trailer-trash dumb hick from a backward state, yet she’s apparently still outsmarting all you progressives? Hmmm…

That sounds familiar. Wasn’t that the same thing the left always claimed about Bush?
Intuitively she understands how to stoke baseless fears – wickedly, brilliantly, she coined the phrase "death panels" regarding Obamacare – as all ambitious rabble-rousers of the ultra far right must.
Now she’s ‘ultra far right’? This man’s lost his marbles!
She will never lead the free world.
Never say never, Mattie…
Watching the Tea Party crush centrist Republicans in race after race regardless of the damage this will do the GOP in November, noting the fanaticism at the rallies headlined by Palin and Beck, and recalling from his own childhood the power of crazed but charismatic rhetoric over a middle class grown poor and confused in Wehrmacht Germany, Noam Chomsky sniffs fascism on the breeze.
Noam Chomsky probably sniffs fascism whenever he takes a dump, Mattie. I wouldn’t put much store by his ravings…
If that sounds hysterical
Just a tad. A smidgen.
…something dark and hateful is stirring in America, and it seems certain to grow as long as unemployment and poverty persist.
Something wicked this way comes, eh, Mattie?


  1. 'for somebody even they, Tea Party chimps though they are, know cannot conceivably win.'

    Matthew Norman here sounds suspiciously like the Beeb's Australia correspondent Nick Bryant from 6 months ago, when he repeatedly rubbished Tony Abbott. Given that the eventual election result down under was a near dead heat, I'd have thought liberal media luvvies would now be a bit more circumspect about sharing their 'insights' about forthcoming elections with the rest of us. But then again, perhaps they just like the sensation of getting egg on their faces.

  2. The liberal left truly are stupid, I don't have a lot of time for Palin, but having read that I'd vote for her any day of the week.

  3. Where's "Wehrmacht Germany"?

    Does he by any chance mean "Weimar Germany"?

  4. The liberal left are not stupid. They merely cannot tell the difference between facts and their own desires.

  5. Read it as Freudian Projection and it will make a bit more sense.

  6. It's interesting, isn't it? If you are a violent female criminal the left give you a free pass. If you are a successful female politician the left go berserk. Of course they hate success in any form and love people who fail as human beings in general but the fawning/frothing seems far louder when the character under discussion has a vagina.

    It's not just Palin that gets this level of loathing, look at the treatment handed out to the very brave Pamela Geller, author of the Atlas Shrugs blog. Or earlier, Thatcher.

    Not being a self hating leftie I have no clue why this should be ...

  7. I have some little friends who live in Petri dishes and they'd take exception to being compared to a politician.

    Perhaps Mr. Norman would like to meet them and apologise.

  8. If Sarah can she Russia from her home, she has great vision and will do well.

  9. Of course the comment about seeing Russia from her house was made not by Sarah Palin but by 'comedienne' Tina Fey doing a Sarah Palin impersonation. Nice to see the left has such a grasp on reality.

  10. Who needs facts or to make sense when you write for a newspaper nobody reads? Who needs reality when you're a dyed-in-the-wool leftfag?

  11. It's not fascism in the breeze, but rather clapped-out, foetid argument. Locking the liberal elite in with the dunderhead right would be a good start to some proper discussion rid of their lunacy. We would, of course, throw away the key. None of their rot works and it has all been tried and tried and tried.
    Our productivity capability is now massive and we can get our basics with very little work. This is why most of us are not grubbing soil 24/7. When it comes to waking up and smelling the coffee, we are so dumb we haven't even worked out a new work ethic, let alone economics sensible under current technology.

    I doubt vaginas have anything to do with any of it. Ignorance is now being taught in education, education, education. We need new ideas and instead accredit old idiocies. Aggressive secularism rides out to meet the Pope and a Tory Muslim Peer tells us ConDem will sort the big society through religion! And we laugh at Americans for their adulation of a former school basketball player with cute glasses?

  12. "I'd have thought liberal media luvvies would now be a bit more circumspect about sharing their 'insights' about forthcoming elections with the rest of us.."

    Nah, they believe they are right, and everyone else is wrong.

    No matter how many times that's disproved...

    "...having read that I'd vote for her any day of the week."

    Suspect that's what's going to happen in a lot of these electoral instances.

    "Where's "Wehrmacht Germany"?

    Does he by any chance mean "Weimar Germany"?"

    *tsk* Education today...

  13. "Read it as Freudian Projection and it will make a bit more sense."


    "Of course the comment about seeing Russia from her house was made not by Sarah Palin but by 'comedienne' Tina Fey doing a Sarah Palin impersonation. "

    Shades of George Bush and the 'plastic' turkey.

    "When it comes to waking up and smelling the coffee, we are so dumb we haven't even worked out a new work ethic, let alone economics sensible under current technology."

    For a species with such an innate capacity for adaptation, we fear change most of all. Strange, isn't it?

  14. The original article says she (Palin) will never lead the free world. Not while there's a left-danging male with inadequacies who can do the job first!

    Anyway, who said anything about free? That's all being sorted out as the left happily snips away at freedoms and choices in the name of progressive moonbattery.
