Sunday 12 September 2010

I'm Getting That Deja-vu Feeling Again...

It seems that, once again, Frank Field has done his job and 'thought the unthinkable' only for the people who asked him to do it having a quick read, blanching, and telling him 'Oh, no! Not that unthinkable!'....
David Cameron will this week bury a key report by Frank Field, the former Labour minister he charged with "thinking the unthinkable" on the fight against poverty.

Mr Field will submit an interim report to Downing Street on "poverty and life chances" within days – but Number 10 has told the maverick MP there are "no plans" to publish it.
Next time they ask you, Frank, tell them to shove it...


  1. "Next time they ask you, Frank, tell them to shove it..."

    Hopefully, he will suggest where most of them have their heads!

  2. I don't suppose they thought he'd report so quickly? Wankers!

  3. I would guess he does not give a shit.

    "Take the money and run".

    Any way, who the FUCK listens tio HIM re "social" affairs? Remember his big idea to solve the problems of a run down, criminal infested housing estate in Birkenhead, was to do fuck all except re-name it.

    ("Ford" to "Beechwood")

  4. "I would guess he does not give a shit.

    "Take the money and run"."

    Sadly, you're likely to be right.. :(

  5. FOI request?

