Wednesday 8 September 2010

It Seems The Gene Pool Needs More Chlorine, Again...

A heartless yob who stole a pensioner's dog days before it was found dead after being thrown 40ft from a viaduct has been jailed.
I'm afraid I can see no good reason why this degenerate excuse for a man should not be given a taste of his own medicine while behind bars.

Let's hope the old lags feel the same way about animal torturers as they claim to do about child molesters:
Marshman, who has a string of previous convictions including possession of a firearm and burglary, was convicted last month of stealing Jess.

He refused to say whether he threw Jess to her death.
Yet another triumph for the justice system, I'm sure you'll agree?

When even the defence's 'mitigation' is clearly half-hearted at best, you can tell even the usual bleeding hearts and do-gooders have had enough:
Paul Blanchard, mitigating, said that his client had been in and out of custody since 2003 and had become institutionalised, finding it hard to deal with the real world.

He added: 'Nothing can detract from the fact that the Bisbys have lost their pet.'
I can't see that society would be best served by allowing something like this to ever walk the streets again, amongst decent people.


  1. This chap's conduct is as hard to understand as the reason he fails to command a £50,000 a year salary.

    He stands out as average police recruiting material.

  2. If you want a read to see how people in this country constantly apologise for the actions of others, or try and make excuses, have a read about a bike thief at

  3. His client "had been in and out of custody since 2003 and had become institutionalised, finding it hard to deal with the real world."

    Is his brief arguing that he should stay behind bars forever, then? Cool.

  4. Forget wasting tax paying mugs money,just give him to me and Ill gladly throw him off the very same viaduct,and sleep soundly with a smile on my face.

  5. "If you want a read to see how people in this country constantly apologise for the actions of others, or try and make excuses, have a read about a bike thief..."

    Oh, good grief! What's wrong with people?

    Does it ever occur to them that, if the criminal justice system wasn't quite so lax, we wouldn't be so quick to feel that we NEED karma to do the job?


    "Is his brief arguing that he should stay behind bars forever, then?"

    Sounds good to me!
