Monday 13 September 2010

I've No Doubt They Do...

From Andrew Rawnsley's article on the CSR on CiF:
It is one of the easiest cries in opposition to shout: "Cull the quangos." That is proving hard to do even for such reflexive quango-cullers as Tories. One Conservative minister says: "At first glance, you think: that can go. Then you take another look and you find that a lot of these organisations exist for a purpose."
But is it a useful purpose, one we need and can afford?

Or is it just more pointless nannystate illiberal rubbish of the sort Dick Puddlcote finds all the time?


  1. > But is it a useful purpose, one we need and can afford?

    Define Useful?

    My definition is that if people had the money they would use it for that purpose.

  2. I think the purpose is to provide jobs for the up and coming boys and girls and the old has-beens of the political establishment.

  3. "these organisations exist for a purpose"

    Yes a "Common Purpose"....

    THAT'S why they need to be culled.

  4. "But is it a useful purpose, one we need and can afford?"

    Cart b4 horse.

    The 1st question should be: Can we afford it?

    A Rolls Royce is useful & serves a purpose; few can afford one though.

  5. Is it essential, can it only be provided by the public sector AND can we afford it?

    If the answer to all three tests is yes, then the QUANGO can live another day, otherwise please can we have it humanely destroyed? Of course what "essential" means is a matter of perspective...

  6. "Define Useful?

    My definition is that if people had the money they would use it for that purpose."

    That's a pretty good definition. It seems to rule out about 70% of what most quangos do...

    "I think the purpose is to provide jobs for the up and coming boys and girls and the old has-beens of the political establishment."

    Spot on!

    "Yes a "Common Purpose"...."

    Oh, I don't doubt it!

    "Cart b4 horse.

    The 1st question should be: Can we afford it?"

    Quite so.

    "Is it essential, can it only be provided by the public sector AND can we afford it?"

    I can't think oif anything that can ONLY be delivered by the public sector. Can you?

  7. "I can't think of anything that can ONLY be delivered by the public sector. Can you?"

    Nope :)
