Tuesday 14 September 2010

I’ve Started, So I’ll Have To Finish…Or Else!

In a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations in New York today, Feisal Abdul Rauf expressed frustration that "radical extremists have hijacked our discourse"
That’s no way to talk about your co-religionists!
…. and warned that moving the mosque could prompt a violent backlash from some Muslims abroad.
What doesn’t?
Rauf said it was "absolutely disingenuous" to suggest that the site of the planned construction was "hallowed ground" when there is a strip club and betting shops nearby.
One of these things is not like the other…

Or perhaps I misread the 9/11 atrocity, and those planes were flown into the skyscrapers by militant titty-bar managers and aggrieved punters who just lost big on the 4:30 at Kempton?
"In recent days some people have asked: is there really a need for an Islamic community centre in lower Manhattan? Is it worth all this firestorm? The answer is a categorical yes," he said.
To you, maybe…

Not to everyone else.
Asked why, when more than two-thirds of New Yorkers say they want the Islamic centre built somewhere else, he would not do that, Rauf said: "My major concern with moving it is that the headline in the Muslim world will be Islam is under attack in America, this will strengthen the radicals in the Muslim world, help their recruitment, this will put our people – our soldiers, our troops, our embassies, our citizens – under attack in the Muslim world, and we have expanded and given and fueled terrorism."
Isn’t this blackmail? It sounds a lot like it to me…
Rauf said he might have done some things differently if he had realised the Islamic centre would provoke the reaction that has engulfed it. "I would never have done it. I'm a man of peace. I mean the whole objective of peace work is not to do something that would provoke controversy," he said.
Sure you are. Suuuuuurrreee you are….


  1. lf you listen carefully you will hear the clock ticking. Already he's using the Muslims of the world will be offended. Strange how thats always one way isn't it?

  2. "My major concern with moving it is that the headline in the Muslim world will be Islam is under attack in America, this will strengthen the radicals in the Muslim world, help their recruitment, this will put our people – our soldiers, our troops, our embassies, our citizens – under attack in the Muslim world, and we have expanded and given and fueled terrorism."
    Isn’t this blackmail? It sounds a lot like it to me…

    But a tactic ALWAYS used by this scum.

    The "Pork and beer grill" that was to take place in Paris earlier this summer, was stopped because some scum bucket in a night gown and a towel on his head "suggested", it may cause "distress and RIOTING" among the rag head "community". EDL marches are re-routed or banned due to the same threats. The same was threatened over the "bin bag fashion ban" in France, the minarette ban in Switzerland. Etc, etc.

    Always this veiled threat;

    "Nice town. Pity if someone was to...."spoil it" like innit?"

    Demanding benefit or favour with menaces, is what I call it.

    We used to have nice little camps for such scum, but some pratts at Nürnberg told us we had to knock them down.

  3. We must have our own way or muslims around the world will riot?
    Fuck 'em!

  4. What's the betting that once the Mosques are built, the rag heads will complian that the strip club/bookies 'may' cause their fucking idiot worshippers to riot. And so they close down ot are relocatd following 'peacfull' protests. Then more 'suitable' shops will open, and with that a greater Muslim comunity. This is what, technically, is known as the thin end of the wedge.

    And we will do fuck all about it!

    On another note, saw a bunch of muslims at my local car boot looking for cheap mobile phones.

    Anyone wanna guess what they use to set of roadside bombs?

  5. Fuck me, I really am pissed. Literally :-) My English teacher would shit himself if he read my last posting. Fuck it!

  6. After the murder of so many innocent people on 11th Sept, how could anyone not understand that building a mosque anywhere in New York could cause a lot of upset.
    R.O.P? A lot of Americans think not.

  7. "Strange how thats always one way isn't it?"

    Well, we too get offended. But our offence is more likely to take the form of a Twittermob than a REAL mob!

    "Always this veiled threat;

    "Nice town. Pity if someone was to...."spoil it" like innit?""

    Once upon a time, we'd take that as a challenge. Now, we roll over...

    "What's the betting that once the Mosques are built, the rag heads will complian that the strip club/bookies 'may' cause their fucking idiot worshippers to riot."

    Pretty much a dead cert, I'd say.

    "After the murder of so many innocent people on 11th Sept, how could anyone not understand that building a mosque anywhere in New York could cause a lot of upset."

    They couldn't. So that must have been their plan all along.

  8. I had to stop reading when I hit the phrase 'militant titty bar managers' through some weird confluence of laughter and arousal :)
