Saturday 25 September 2010

”… provide an appropriate policing response …”

Oh, Really? And what’s that, then?

The one that one of your bosses has just admitted you haven’t been providing?
Jenny Ward, 80, had been plagued by a gang of youths who smashed the windows of her home and taunted her for several months.

The thugs' campaign of harassment eventually ended in tragedy when the pensioner returned home and fell into the trap late one night.

Her cries for help went unheard for three hours until she was finally rescued by firefighters.

After spending a month in hospital and enduring an operation on her foot, Mrs Ward went to live with a relative, but took a turn for the worse and died in hospital on September 8.
It seems that there's two stories being told here, and neither of them add up:
…friends and neighbours of the pensioner, who had run a market stall in Blackpool for 50 years, said she had never recovered from the campaign of torment and her fall into the manhole.

They have accused police of not doing enough to deal with antisocial behaviour and urged them to find those responsible.
And the police are all 'Who, us? We didn't know, scout's honour!':
Police said they were not aware of the antisocial behaviour and have not launched an investigation as the coroner's office did not deem Mrs Ward's death as suspicious.
Really? An 80 year old lady falls into an open manhole and no-one wonders if that's something they should look at? No-one says 'Hey! Who removed the manhole cover, and why?'...
PC Paul Michael said: 'We regularly patrol this area, but we've not been made aware that antisocial behaviour is a particular problem.

'We would encourage residents to report incidents to us so we can provide an appropriate policing response."
So, you regularly patrol this area, one that the residents claim is plagued by antisocial yobs, yet you've never seen anything?



  1. ''We would encourage residents to report incidents to us so we can provide an appropriate policing response."

    Yeah, a crime number is such a comfort when you've had the fire brigade drag your granny out of a sewer.

  2. "We would encourage residents to report incidents to us so we can provide an appropriate policing response." finishing our doughnuts, exchanging dirty jokes and pictures, leering at the new secretary, discussing the new pay slabs and nipping out for the shopping and extended pub lunch, providing a foul mouthed response to favourite police blogs and writing a new topic for our own, working out in the free gym and,

    ......oh my goodness - it's home time.

  3. "She had reported these youths to the police and I think that’s why they retaliated."

    This is why I never report any of the constant criminal behaviour by the various gangs of feral youths around my way. What are police going to do? Arrest me for a hate crime of some kind? Do nothing? Or more likely make sure the thugs know who reported them. That being best way to reduce reported crime after all.

    Remember crime is good as it helps justify all those lovely budgets and controls. It's reported crime that's bad as they have targets to meet you know ...

  4. The HMIC report has a short video not unlike Julia's post and the replies here. Yet worthy Cardiff wankademics and Ipsos Mori miss the point with a pile of blather.
    They key ruse is to find that part of society not plagued by antisocial crime and ask it how it feels. This is a total abuse of method. We need to look at the real sample - those who suffer - and find what is good and bad in response.

  5. "...we've not been made aware..."

    Ever heard of active policing you egregious cunt? Fucking hell, the arrogance of the useless twats in blue/black body armour.

  6. I mentioned putting maybe 20 scum families behind barbed-wire on Gadget. The Dutch idea is more like trailer parks for trailer park trash. The idea is good, but I haven't seen a review of practice. The article in this link shows the dangers (in reverse) of taking any public policies on crime at the face value of bullshit politics.

    In the bit on ASBOs you can quickly see the authors fall for what they should have done. You can also see the Dutch have similar problems and be reminded Blair et al seemed to be talking sense, when we now know they were utterly useless clowns.

    We've had any number of pilot schemes here, all claiming success, yet really failing as the spend required is £60K a year or more on scum families. Dutch cops I taught two years back felt the trailer park trash schemes had failed too because they were too expensive.

    I like the idea of trailer park trash schemes for criminals. It might be financially viable through freeing up homes for others. The article cited here is free and not without interest.

  7. "Yeah, a crime number is such a comfort when you've had the fire brigade drag your granny out of a sewer."


    "This is why I never report any of the constant criminal behaviour by the various gangs of feral youths around my way. What are police going to do? Arrest me for a hate crime of some kind? Do nothing? Or more likely make sure the thugs know who reported them."

    A sensible decision. They've just had to pay out a large sum of money for a disclosure of identity case...

    "...key ruse is to find that part of society not plagued by antisocial crime and ask it how it feels."

    Lies, damn lies and statistics. If only the front line was as well-staffed as the statswranglers...

    "We've had any number of pilot schemes here, all claiming success, yet really failing as the spend required is £60K a year or more on scum families. "

    Even if it was cheaper than the alternative (and I'd bet it would be) can you imagine the 'Daily Mail' headline it'd generate?
