Tuesday 21 September 2010

"...some extremely misguided young people..."

...is the politically correct hogwash churned out by the police spokescreature on the death of David Askew, another person with learning difficulties hounded to death by oxygen-thieves:
Assistant Chief Constable Garry Shewan said: "David's death was a tragedy and first and foremost our thoughts must be with his mum Rose who has been through an extremely traumatic few months. David was an extremely kind, happy person and Rose and the rest of David's family have had to cope with a huge loss in their lives.

"We will continue to provide them with as much support as they need as they try to come to terms with what has happened.

"David suffered abuse for a number of years, and it is saddening to think this was because of his learning difficulties. Anyone who has been a victim of anti-social behaviour or harassment will know just how upsetting it can be to be targeted in this way and although David died from natural causes, clearly he suffered at the hands of some extremely misguided young people."
Not really surprising, mind you, when you see how GMP treat the escape from custody of another oxygen thief.


  1. Can you live without a Spleen ?
    Yes you can ..



  2. These ACPO tossers need a damn good kicking.

  3. Assistant Chief Constable ‘Four Forces’ Ian Hopkins:

    “Ryan’s welfare is our top priority”

    “We are extremely worried about the risks he is posing to his own health by going on the run”

    Not concern for the public at risk from this violent nutter of course, oh no. Grrrr.

  4. "Pity."

    Pity indeed...

    "Not concern for the public at risk from this violent nutter of course, oh no. "

    He has his priortities. After all, Ryan is a 'service user'. We're just the mugs who pay for him...

  5. "David suffered abuse for a number of years, and it is saddening to think this was because of his learning difficulties."

    Yet again, blaming the victim.

  6. Cone on folks - GMP have improved so much they actually answer phone calls from the public since the demise of 'Shagger'. Fahey has promoted many non-performers from that regime to encourage les autres. Haven't you noticed they can get away with anything with a few platitudes? This their fault or ours?
    All we need are salary caps and pay reductions agreed amongst all to bring the current farces to an end. We believe the rich donkeys who bleat (oops!) on about taking their ball away if we do this. We are children who won't accept the need for fair control, always pointing at other examples.
