Sunday 12 September 2010

Yeah, That Really Should Have Been Their First Clue...

Its website describes Ms Aziz as a ‘coach, facilitator, and performance and workshop artist’ with a ‘holistic style that embraces the intellect, body and heart’.
Oh, well. It's only taxpayer money, after all...


  1. Anc where are the councillors? Are they not supposed to be the 'guardian representatives' of their electorate' money?

    sorry forgot it is the 'crats that run councils now!

  2. "Meanwhile, Hertfordshire County Council has produced a Making Our Mark On Equality And Diversity guide that says references to ‘girls in the office’ is inappropriate because it implies ‘dependence and immaturity’.

    The same council also has problems with ‘lady’ which has ‘over-tones of decorum and conformity’ and even woman ‘which has overtones of sexuality’.

    Officials at East Devon District Council have banned ‘little old lady, pensioner, youth and youngster’"

    Soon it will be impossible to describe or address anyone in any fashion if this PC nonsense continues! What the hell is wrong with people?

  3. Thank god I'm self employed.

    Anyone coming near me with proscribed nonsense like that, will get the response...

    I suppose you have a problem with Dickhead and Fuckwit too do you?

    Just empty the fuckin bins once a week, that all we ask!

  4. "...where are the councillors? Are they not supposed to be the 'guardian representatives' of their electorate' money?"

    Ha ha ha ha ha! You were just kidding, right? ;)

    "Soon it will be impossible to describe or address anyone in any fashion if this PC nonsense continues! What the hell is wrong with people?"

    'Comrade' will be perfectly fine... ;)

    "Just empty the fuckin bins once a week, that all we ask!"

    Yup! That's council business, not 'speech codes' and 'community engagement'...

  5. A woman behind the till of a well known supermarket had a name badge with the word 'Les' on it.
    She was well out of the closet and didn't really need to publish the extra information.
    - had to bite my tongue every time I went there.

  6. As Alexei Sayle said:

    "Anyone who uses the word workshop outside of light engineering is a twat."

  7. "...had to bite my tongue every time I went there."


  8. Wondered why Brighton and Hove rang a bell - sure enough, it's the council who sacked six executives on £100k each and replaced them with four on £125K - total saving £100k pa (that is, if you don't count redundancy pay, pensions, advertising, recruitment, training...)

    w/v dense - I kid you not!
