Tuesday 28 September 2010

You are No ‘Witness To Your Times’, Mark…

…you are just another parasite on our society:
Mark McGowan performed the Re-enactment of the Assassination of Raoul Moat at an arts festival in London.

In it he wore a picture of Moat's face over his own and played a soundtrack of news coverage of his final hours.
Oh, wow! He must have sweated long hours at the dramatic workbench to produce that masterpiece, eh?

That’s a good use of your degree in Fine Art from Camberwell College of Art, I suppose. Mind you, I’m not sure it really qualifies you in anything else
He said he was sorry if it upset victims' relatives, but the role of art was to challenge.
What you do isn’t ‘art’. It isn’t even ‘challenging conventional norms’, either, or whatever pointless justification you use.

Because if it was, a two-year-old sticking his tongue out and saying ‘Wee! Poo! Piddle! Bum! Drawers!’ would be an acclaimed artist in our society. Instead of someone about to keep an appointment with the naughty step…
Mr McGowan, who has also created a show about the Shannon Matthews case, said: "One of the things that people have a problem with is art as a form of representation of a contemporary issue."
No, we have a problem with ‘artists’ like you producing utterly useless ‘shock installations’ and then whining when everyone points out not just that the Emperor has no cloths, but a remarkably tiny manhood too….
He denied that the show portrayed Moat in a sympathetic light.

"He was a bad man," he said.

"He killed people. That's inappropriate, more than inappropriate, you can't go round expressing anger in that way, it's just wrong."
Ooooh, easy on the heavy condemnation there! Don’t strain yourself, eh..?
Referring to the relatives of Moat's victims, he added: "There's no way in the world that I'd want to hurt anyone, but being an artist, that's always difficult."
Yes, poor Turner and Rembrandt, always hurting people with their art, never to be recognised as…

Oh, wait.
"Being a witness to your times is very challenging, it's difficult not to affect people if you are doing your job."
You are more of a ‘witless to your times’, Mark. As can be seen from your tired ouvre


  1. He just sounds to me like Student Gwant from Viz:

    "He killed people. That's inappwopwiate, more than inappwopwiate, you can't go wound expwessing anger in that way, it's just wrong."

    Now I see the profile, I remember some of these stories. I think he's probably mentally ill. My sister-in-law did Fine Arts at Camberwell, and from some of the people she knew there, mental illness seemed to actually be considered as a positive.

  2. Whatever happened to plain good taste?

    It's about as artistic as a pile of poo!

  3. Im afraid to say , its not just art that has been dumbed down, look at the state of our schools.
    This man isn't fit to call himself an artist, he demeens the word and so do our so called art colleges that spew out these sort of people.
    I was so incensed by the ciggie busters 'Art Project'a few weeks ago that I got my paints out and Ive been working on an 'Art Project' of my own. It should be ready in a couple of weeks.
    Its time to start fighting back.

  4. "McGowan has made several notable stunts and self-declared "protests" including ... cooking and eating a fox to highlight the plight of crackheads".

    Well at least he is looking after his own. Also like how Moat's death is described as an assassination.

  5. Did he actually use the term "doing you job". He seriously thinks that what he is doing counts in any way as a "job"?

    Oh dear.

  6. What a deluded & self-absorbed cock !!

  7. Art for fart's sake28 September 2010 at 18:19

    Allow me to be a witness to our times too.

    My next much-acclaimed production will be as an 'artist' with nothing original to say and a complete inability to paint, sculpt or in fact be creative in any way. This cutting edge event will be called "I was Raoul Moat's Mask" and will wow the critics, many of who are as hopelessly misinformed as me.

    Tickets may go on sale soon, but the unwaged and unbrained may get in free.

  8. Are you quite sure this chap hasn't somehow escaped from the League of Gentlemen and got loose in reality? Is Royston Vaisey's Legs Akimbo missing an idiot?


  9. "Sitting in a bathtub full of baked beans with chips up his nose and sausages around his head, claiming to be the defender of the full English breakfast"

    Sounds good to me (but then I did grow up as a near neighbour of the former Hornsey College Of Art, Tariq Ali et al).

  10. As my old gran used to say, "What a wanker!"

    Were fairly sure she meant plonker though.

  11. What a prick!

  12. Perhaps we could introduce this clot to the 'Pain Art' of the early 70's. This involved such work as 'Shooting Myself' and 'Movie On The Way Down'. The "artist" shot himself in the arm for the first great work and hurled himself off a building with a video camera for the second.
    My suggestion would be a work entitled 'Moat On the Way Down', which would involve the artist's neck, the face mask, a length of rope and a jump. Anyone else want to chip in to this 'street-theatre' fund?

  13. "He just sounds to me like Student Gwant from Viz..."


    "Whatever happened to plain good taste?"

    So yesterday! Outrage is the future!

    "Also like how Moat's death is described as an assassination."

    Yes, the state and society cunningly colluded to get him to...shoot himself!

    "Did he actually use the term "doing you job". He seriously thinks that what he is doing counts in any way as a "job"?"

    Yes, that's even more surreal than his 'art'...

    "Are you quite sure this chap hasn't somehow escaped from the League of Gentlemen and got loose in reality? Is Royston Vaisey's Legs Akimbo missing an idiot?"

    He's clearly a joke on somebody's part. I have a feeling that it's us, though.

    "Perhaps we could introduce this clot to the 'Pain Art' of the early 70's. "

    A steel toecapped Size 12 up the jacksie should do nicely...

  14. I only take size nine AP, though perhaps size doesn't matter ...
    must dash, Chinese to teach to keep the economy afloat.

  15. It is not quite Tracy Emin material and the condemnation is nothing more than a potent combination of wit and prejudice.

    The best opinions belong to those who have seen the work and your judgement normally belongs to a better category, Julia.

  16. "He killed people. That's inappropriate, more than inappropriate, you can't go round expressing anger in that way, it's just wrong."


    Following through on a fart as you are introduced to the Queen is INAPPROPRIATE, Trying to get your leg over the girl friends Sister in the middle of the family christmas party is INAPPROPRIATE.

    Killing some one is a damn site MORE that INA-FUCKING-PPROPRIATE, I would have said.

    And that is the problem. These scum bags, and their "inapproprateness" are the ones running the fucking justice system! His remark "you can't go round expressing anger in that way,"

    sais ALL that is wrong.

    People do NOT show their anger. Where is the good old fashioned tear the fucking head off the nearst lamp post/politician/guilty party rage?

    The type of arsehole that thinks "extreem violence" is to give a kid a quick slap on the arse for killing the cat.

    We NEED extreem violence in society. We NEED some of these lilly livered scum bags to be kicked to death down some back alley.

    It is the only way criminals understand.

  17. "People do NOT show their anger."

    No, even our strikes and protest marches are tame affairs, compared with those on the continent.
