Wednesday 8 September 2010

You Can (Thanks To H&S) Outrun The Police...

...but you can't, it seems, outrun karma:
A suspected motorbike thief who police refused to chase because he was not wearing a helmet has been killed riding a stolen machine.
It seems we have a veritable epidemic of worthless idiots and criminal scum taking themselves off the board due to their own rampant stupidity and the law of averages, not to mention the laws of physics!

Long may it continue...


  1. It's almost enough to make one believe there is someone up there and he (or she) is out to prove Hawking and Hitchens wrong.

  2. The original BBC write up on this had a quote from his family (has since been removed), along the lines of, 'He was such a nice, considerate son.'

    I'm sure a Darwin Award will provide a fitting tribute.

    There was this in the comments on the Fail site;

    'Whether they are criminals or not, they have Human Rights, and their welfare is paramount first and foremost. What a tragedy for the young man family concerned. Education is the answer could have been prevented.

    Sarah, Aylesbury

    No wonder this country is beyond redemtion.

    My headline would've been;

    'Lidless mong nuts car, gets nerfed.'

  3. Aww, nuts.

    That's 'redemption'.

  4. Motocycle escape route this way ----->

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Surely, we should be condemning the police for not chasing & capturing the thief.

    If they had, then the poor soul may still be alive today.

    Perhaps his wife / partner / sprogs / parents could sue the police?

    Perhaps also, the victims of his subsequent crime!

  7. In a statement, his family said: "Bobby was a loving and loyal son who would do anything for his family. He will continually shine in our hearts forever." Source.

    Anything except keep his thieving hands off other peoples' property or stay off the roads so as not to put others at risk by his stupid behaviour.

  8. I see, via the Daily Mash, "Sarah" can now avail herself of the perfect tribute for the next dead thief:

  9. is there any point in gloating a death of another human being?

    Have some class.

  10. "The original BBC write up on this had a quote from his family (has since been removed), along the lines of, 'He was such a nice, considerate son.'"

    Ah, yes. I did see that, on the original 'Mail' article too, I think.

    They seem to have removed it too.

    "Surely, we should be condemning the police for not chasing & capturing the thief.

    If they had, then the poor soul may still be alive today."

    Oh, I expect someone will raise that in earnest!

    "I see, via the Daily Mash, "Sarah" can now avail herself of the perfect tribute for the next dead thief..."

    Oh, god bless the 'Mash'! That's just so perfect, isn't it?

    "is there any point in gloating a death of another human being?"

    When they have shown they are, to all intents and purposes, irredeemable and bound and determinerd to cause misery and loss unchecked by the criminal justice system, then yes, I think there is.
