Sunday 3 October 2010

Clash Of Cultures…

The BBC should ditch Mr Humphries-style stereotypes of camp gay men in favour of more realistic portrayals, according to an internal report.
Hmmmm, but while we're on the subject of demeaning stereotypes:
The report added that heterosexuals felt more comfortable with watching two women in a relationship rather than two men.


  1. A quick glance at the porn shelves could've told you that!

  2. The report added that heterosexuals felt more comfortable with watching two women in a relationship ...

    Yep .. but only if I can join in .. Lol ..

  3. To be honest, I have friends of both camp and non stereotyped gay friends. As for watching two people in a relationship, presumably that means snogging of some sort? My immediate reaction whether gay or hetero is "get a room".

  4. My glances at the porn shelves are never quick.

  5. Are we sure this report wasn't commissoned in 1978 and nobody remembered to publish it til now? Or, has anyone involved in the report actually watched any BBC output recently?

  6. Yeah, I am sick of the old stereotypes.

    We need new ones!

  7. "A quick glance at the porn shelves could've told you that!"

    Heh! Indeed! :)

    "My immediate reaction whether gay or hetero is "get a room"."

    Yes, I wonder if they accounted for that?

  8. Are you being served was a Comedy show.
    Wouldn't have been very funny if they had got Jeremy Thorpe instead....
