Monday 4 October 2010

One Of Life’s Universal Truths…

…if no-one misses you when you aren’t there, your job is not important:
Parking wardens refused to go to work this weekend because the panic buttons on their radios stopped working.
And why was that so important?
They said problems with their radio sets put their health and safety at risk because they could not raise the alarm if they were assaulted.
I suppose they could always try doing their job in a manner that doesn’t make people want to assault them? No?

The implications of this haven’t escaped notice, either. From the comments:
Rostrum, Hove says...

So.. No traffic wardens on Saturday and most of Sunday and no Parking Tickets handed out..

Were there any problems with the Traffic-flow? No

Were there any incidents of emergency vehicles not able to get to where they were needed? No

So the two main reasons for the whole scheme were unaffected.

This that the parking policies of our great city are all about raking in cash and NOT about traffic-flow, access and safety which is what the relevant laws are all about.


  1. Note that this idyllic jam-free cityscape was over a weekend, though; the vast majority of traffic-flow problems in my town are caused by delivery drivers and 4X4s on the school run.

    Our area has 2 wardens with very different styles - one is polite, sympathetic and gives drivers time to move, only issuing tickets if the vehicle is unattended or the driver uncooperative; the other is a ticketing automaton notorious for booking a hearse during a funeral and an ambulance while it was collecting a patient.

    If the local authority makes cuts, i wonder which one will go first...

  2. "if the local authority makes cuts, i wonder which one will go first..."

    Simples, the human being!

  3. Parking Patawayo?

  4. Anon,

    You beat me to it. I'm surprised the Graun hasn't been up in arms about that yet. Or maybe they have and I missed it?

  5. Same happens down my way whenever traffic lights fail, no problems; in fact the more 'complicated' the junction the fewer problems arise.

  6. "...the vast majority of traffic-flow problems in my town are caused by delivery drivers and 4X4s on the school run."

    God point. It is amazing the difference half-term makes to traffic patterns!

    "Parking Patawayo?"

    Heh! :)

    "Same happens down my way whenever traffic lights fail, no problems; in fact the more 'complicated' the junction the fewer problems arise."

    Because people no longer sit in blind obedience to the lights, but are forced to use their brains.
