Friday 1 October 2010

Sometimes, A Comment Thread Is Just Epic WIN!

Comment is Free and the comments on the ‘Indy’ and ‘Telegraph Blogs’ rarely reach the absurd heights of the local newspaper comments.

Take this story. I’d missed it first time around, until a friend alerted me to the astonishing 140 comments it had attracted. I couldn’t understand why, as it seemed like a ‘nothing’ little story about a cooking oil spill quickly dealt with.

It starts off with the usual bad puns:
vanilla ice, Rochford says... Looks like thay are trying to cook up a story.
John the resonator, Leigh on Sea says... One more slick remark like that and I'll ..............!!!
And then a humourless moron arrives, to whine about this:
Baker-Boy, Great Wakering says... Yet again childish comment they bring you the news so you know whats happened there if you live there and have had problems. yet people want to moan and have a go is sicking
It doesn’t help that this commenter seems to have a poor grasp of the English language, but oh, boy, the punsters are being fed some red meat now!
southendreb, southend says... i am sorry baker boy bit we are not all as well bread as you. I know i was my Mothers pride and joyand our slice of life may not be as serious as yours. Obviously we have made a bloomer here, but then you cant expect anything else from us old crusties.
Stung by this, the commenter insists that this is BAD and SOMETHING MUST BE DONE:
Baker-Boy, Great Wakering says... It sounds rather dangerous there now what about if a eldery person was to go out slip and die hmmm. this is vita news this could save someone life and yet you want to joke.
And with that, cry ‘Havoc!’ and let slip the comments of war…
ChrisFunk, Benfleet says... This was getting a bit argumentative, at least baker-boy's presence and advice, like oil upon troubled waters, has calmed the heated nature of this thread.
BenfleetBarrel, says... I agree that no crude jokes should be tolerated.
John the resonator, Leigh on Sea says...Oh well, you could be right, rather than refining things we are actually rigging this up in a way that we are crudely scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Read the rest (if it’s still up). It’s the best laugh you’ll have all week…


  1. Baker! Get me a detention slip, boy.

  2. :) nice thread!

    Renews my faith in the average bear.

    The humourless, moronic thread-stalker aside, of course.

  3. Oh that's so funny. Baker-Boy really does seem to be a few cans short of a six-pack.

  4. ”How the hell do you FIND this stuff?”

    Usually by skimming the local newspaper websites for blog material. Would have totally missed this one, though, if I hadn't been alterted to it...

  5. Alterted?

    Altered state?

    wv=dented, not invent.
