Monday 15 November 2010

Well, It’s Inspired Me To Ensure I Never Give You A Job….

A student who attended the protest against the rise in tuition fees says it was “inspirational”, despite its descent into violence.
Really? He must not be studying English then…
Stuart Dingwall, 19, of Chastilian Road, Dartford attended the demonstration and says he hopes the purpose of the demonstration has not been over shadowed.

The technical theatre student at North West Kent College said: “I thought it was inspirational seeing young people going to stick up for what they believe in.

“But when people kicked off, it ruined it because now the focus has shifted onto that instead of the fact 50,000 students turned out for it.”
Exactly! So, it’s not ‘inspirational’, is it?

Unless it’s inspired you to do something different?

Mind you, how can the student be anything else, when the teachers are so, so… well, take this example:
Business studies teacher Michael Sani at Wilmington Enterprise College accompanied the Bite the Ballot students and says the demonstration was exciting.
Was it? Was it ‘exciting’ for the police who were nearly brained by a thrown fire extinguisher? Was it ‘exciting’ for the workers besieged in their offices, wondering if they would have to evacuate as the fire spread?
He said: “The most amazing thing was seeing people campaigning for future generations.

“Some people benefit from free education and some don’t, and this needs to be looked at.”
‘Free’ education? I always thought there really was no such thing as a free lunch.

And I never took business studies….
Mr Dingwall told News Shopper he is worried about what the rise in tuition fees could mean for him.

He said: “It will make a massive split between the rich and the poor and a lot of people will miss out.

“I’m hoping to go to university, but if the fees go up, I’m not sure how I’ll be able to afford it.”
Well, that’s a decision you have to make yourself. But the alternative, if you don’t pay for it, is that someone else does…
Head of Hextable school Peter Dalton told News Shopper he is worried by the rise in fees. He said: "We've had a rise of 40 percent of students going to university but I'm concerned the increase in fees will actively discourage pupils from now applying."
And there’s the problem! The market is clearly in glut. So why don’t you ask your business studies lecturers why that is, and what need to be done to resolve it.

Take your time. I’ll wait….


  1. ""The technical theatre student ""??

    So even after he's finished his education he will be doing a job that's funded by the taxpayer, in "the arts".

  2. Given that the purpose of higher education has been overshadowed by Marxism and the narrow, hidebound thinking that adheres to the poisonous and state-dependent diktats of the 'correct thinking elite,' why should a student be worried about a demonstration being overshadowed by violence?

    As we have seen repeatedly, whenever the left gets involved in demos there is always violence. A good number of the protesters seem come armed with the determination to stove in a McDonald's window no matter what.

    No doubt the AFE (aerial fire extinguisher event) will from now on be a key part of their method of protesting.

  3. While you're on the subject of education, I thought I'd bring this over

    If you can afford it you can both attend university and take plenty of time off for regular protesting, unhampered by academic work.

  4. "So even after he's finished his education he will be doing a job that's funded by the taxpayer, in "the arts"."

    Looks like it..

    "No doubt the AFE (aerial fire extinguisher event) will from now on be a key part of their method of protesting."

    Since the police will be in the front line, no matter what their feelings about the attacked building, I suspect they will ensure that access to the roof will be denied in future...

    "If you can afford it you can both attend university and take plenty of time off for regular protesting, unhampered by academic work."

    Marvellous! It explains why so many of those supposedly 'poor' students seemed to have better and more up to date mobiles and cameras and laptops than me!

    All the better to blog and Tweet and FB your exploits....
