Friday 31 December 2010

A Glimpse Into The Den...

I've been tagged by Manwiddecombe (gosh, remember this tagging meme? It feels so 2009...) to describe my habitual blogging lair.

And since a picture paints a thousand words:

Yes, I have a pretty messy desk and room (out of shot - bwahahaha!), apart from the actual workspace itself, and the desk's a remarkably cheap one. But it's outlived not one, not two, but THREE computers. One of which still lies forlornly on the floor, awaiting a collection to see if my brother can cannibalise it for useful parts.

The rest is the usual clutter and detritus - game cases from games I've installed recently (hello again, 'World of Warcraft'! Haven't you changed..?), spare mouse, modem, phone, the essential pen and paper.

Below and above and around, it's clutter, clutter, clutter. Spare cartridges for the printer, paper for same (enough to paper the entire house), USB drives, batteries, trinkets and toys (a preponderance of sabre tooth cats, oddly enough) and more spare cables (what have they all come from? God only knows!) than anyone could ever need.

The spare bedroom (now study) is the repository for every book, box, ornament, picture that can't fit anywhere else, or can't yet be shoehorned into the loft or the garage. And I promised myself I'd tidy it up over the Christmas break. Well, so much for that....

In return, I tag The Raft Journal, Subrosa and Make It Stop!.


  1. Look out! There's a tiger trapped in your computer!

  2. All I'll say is that it's tidier than my desk space.

  3. How on earth do you concentrate in such a pristine workspace! ;)

  4. "What a mucky slattern I am", she said, sitting at her desk, while gathering up her nail clippings into a snot-encrusted piece of tissue.

  5. I assume that picture was taken when you first got the desk and before you started working at it.

  6. Yes, I have a pretty messy desk...

    Messy? Are you serious? That's far neater than a desk has ever been at mine. I'd have given you points for having left what I thought was a sandwich in shot but on closer inspection it turned out to be a phone... and apparently perfectly aligned with the edge of the desk. Some people clearly have a different standard of what constitutes messy :-)

    WV = consent. Yes, I am over 18 but WTF am I consenting to?

  7. "How on earth do you concentrate in such a pristine workspace! ;)"

    It's not easy! :)

    "...while gathering up her nail clippings into a snot-encrusted piece of tissue."

    You must be limber! I can't bend enough to get my foot on the desk... ;)

    "I assume that picture was taken when you first got the desk and before you started working at it."

    Oh, no. When we first got the desk, it was covered in instruction manuals and spare nuts and screws that we felt sure must go somewhere...

    "...and apparently perfectly aligned with the edge of the desk."

    Busted! I'm a little anal when it comes to alignment.

    Next thing you know, I'll be refusing to fly anything other than Quantas and insisting on watching 'Wapner' on catch-up TV....
