Tuesday 21 December 2010

I...I Just...

From an account of a fight at a boot sale that left one woman with two black eyes and another with stab wounds to the stomach:
'I don’t think I can hit that hard. I’m a lady.'
Our survey says...


  1. What a vile story. Distributing posters publicising someone's breast cancer, her husband being detained for 6 months on the basis of (presumably untrue) allegations. Wonder how representative the participants in this saga are of people in Carshalton? And why has the case taken almost two years to come to court?

  2. "Rosie", "Eliza" & "Minty" Smith ???

    There's a distinct whiff of "Pikey, Pikey .. do as you likee" to this story ..

  3. What a wonderful bunch of characters!

    I didn't realise the Guardian did satire at all and this so well written too.

    Wait, what?? This is real?


  4. "...mother Minty Smith...."

    Would it be harsh to suspect she's probably more cattle stunner than page three stunner ?

  5. "And why has the case taken almost two years to come to court?"

    Good point!

    "There's a distinct whiff of "Pikey, Pikey .. do as you likee" to this story .."

    I did wonder...

    "Would it be harsh to suspect she's probably more cattle stunner than page three stunner ?"


  6. I looked up The Pastures Carshalton on google earth satellite

    1. Captain Haddock is right
    2. The street view car did not drive in which also speaks volumes
