Wednesday 15 December 2010

‘…intellectual underpinning or historical understanding of the kind of national compact between the UK police and its public…’

‘Sir’ Ian Blair is not in favour of elected sheriffs. What a shocker, eh?
Even leader writers seem to have taken their cue from the coalition's approach to policing, which appears, in contrast to its approach to defence or health, to be determinedly not to look for the big picture.
The ‘Big Picture’ being whatever Blair believes, of course…
And then there is the announcement of the introduction of elected police commissioners, apparently drawn from the US model of elected sheriffs, without any intellectual underpinning or historical understanding of the kind of national compact between the UK police and its public.
And you do? ACPO do?


  1. Good old Sir Ian - how telling that statement of his is ... it might have come across as slightly better PR/BS if he had said "the compact between the UK public and its Police Force" as that at least suggests the latter is responsive to and serving the former, rather than the rather unfortunate "other way around" it comes across as in his statement. Serve and protect the public - perish the thought. Direct the public on the basis of an ACPO proscribed "compact" - now you are talking!

  2. Elected sheriffs would be the single greatest advancement in law and order in the UK in decades. I'd go further, along the lines of the US, and have elected judges. Oh, and it goes without saying I'd tear up the Single European Act and restore the supremacy of British courts.

  3. The mere fact that this notorious liar is still not in prison is proof that elected sheriffs are sorely needed

  4. WTF does it have to do with the strutting, short-arsed, Bantam Blair anyway ..

    When he was in office he was as much use as a candy floss door-knocker ..

    Now he's retired he's just a "was", a "has been", an "ex" ..

    Considering the amount of damage he did .. he ought to shut the fuck up & be grateful he's getting a pension, which he most certainly doesn't deserve ..

  5. Labour spent the last 13 years stuffing the senior ranks of the police with their fellow travelling leftist chums - a mix of social worker and social engineer, but with the full force of state violence at its disposal. The police are now worried that their contempt for the law-abiding middle-class "non-minority" population might be reciprocated at the ballot box. Hopefully it will.

  6. "WTF does it have to do with the strutting, short-arsed, Bantam Blair anyway .. "

    He's making a tidy living writing for the 'Guardian' and any other wet do-gooder cause that'll have him, isn't he?

  7. I smell Common Purpose at play in the background... That overwhelming stench of infiltration and subjugation by any means. They don't like democracy, they don't.

  8. "He's making a tidy living writing for the 'Guardian' and any other wet do-gooder cause that'll have him, isn't he" ?

    Yep .. that's about his mark ..

  9. Guardian in arrogant elitist shocka!
