Monday 20 December 2010

So, Who's Leant On Andrew Heaney?

Because what else explains these two apparent contradictory statements?
Andrew Heaney, TalkTalk's executive director of strategy and regulation, said: 'Our objective was not to do what the politicians want us but to do what is right for our customers.'

'If other companies aren't going to do it of their own volition, then maybe they should be leant on.'

Does that make sense to anyone else, because it sure doesn't to me? So, Andrew, what makes YOUR customers representative of every other company's customers, then? It seems, as Dick Puddlecote points out, that public opinion isn't with you so far.

I won't go into what's wrong with the proposals, because that's been more than adequately covered by Longrider, MummyLongLegs, Quiet Man, Leg-Iron, Manwiddecombe and The Moose. And these are currently just proposals, and I'm in agreement with The Grim Reaper in the ability of those with the know how to breach these safeguards with ease.

But it's yet another sign to anyone still wondering if we really got a new government back in May, or just different faces on the same old control-freak mentality, isn't it?


  1. I find myself rather in favour of personal abilities to censor. I fancy a tool that will exclude all adverts and promos on tv, throwing up instead peace fish or tasteful erotica instead (to the viewer's choice).

  2. ACO - do mermaids, get both markets.

    36-24-5.99 a pound (or 7.99 a kilo for the europhiles)

    Oh dear, this Christmas cracker lost its bang, but then it has been in store since 1975.

  3. I have discovered that this is already happening.

    I have a 3G pay as you go Dongle from Vodaphone, for when I and the laptop are not near a WiFi hotspot, like my mum's house in Cardiff.

    When I was over there one weekend recently, I had a spam email from Ann Summers.Go on then I thought, let's see what overpriced tat they are flogging these days...

    But Vodaphone wouldn't even let me open it! I got a message to say that I would have to apply to see the site.

  4. As I've droned on elsewhere this an extremely dangerous move towards having a UK version of the Great Firewall of China.

    Once those content filters are in place we will not be able to find out anything reliably any more. This is more of a concern than the obvious "Oh dear, we seem to have accidently released the list of all you perverts to the Guardian" plan.

  5. If TalkTalk don't get some real "Tech Support" pretty quickly they won't need to bother with censoring the internet. Their service is next to useless as it is...

  6. "I fancy a tool that will exclude all adverts and promos on tv..."

    I know what you mean. Although, sometimes, they show more creativity than the programmes!

    "Oh dear, this Christmas cracker lost its bang, but then it has been in store since 1975."

    Ah, the days when children could buy them without an age check!

    "I got a message to say that I would have to apply to see the site."

    Yes, Longrider mentioned this. What a cheek! Mind you, Sky do the same with their film channels - anything other than a U-rated movie, you must enter your PIN to see it before the watershed.

    "This is more of a concern than the obvious "Oh dear, we seem to have accidently released the list of all you perverts to the Guardian" plan."

    Agreed! Thought I suspect people will find ways round it.

    "If TalkTalk don't get some real "Tech Support" pretty quickly they won't need to bother with censoring the internet. Their service is next to useless as it is..."

    I've heard they are pretty awful.
