Monday 13 December 2010

'You Can Tell Christmas Is Coming' Indication 489

Youngsters at a school put on a nativity play with a twist...
Oh, ye gods..!
Around 60 children aged three to 11 at Breaside Preparatory School in Orchard Road, Bromley, took part in the show on Thursday, which put a modern twist on the traditional Christmas story.
*grits teeth*
Teacher Cath Thorning, who organised the show, said: “The play is told from the perspective of the cat of the landlord at the inn where Mary and Joseph stayed in the stable.

“He sees the wise men arrive in cars and they do a rap, and the shepherds arrive and do a song, and there is also a song by a little sheep. It’s quite modern.”


  1. I'm so glad I don't have children. I have lost the will to live reading this, let alone having the prospect of having to sit through it.

  2. I'm also happy I dont have children. Sitting through that would make my head explode with embarrassment.

    Why do adults who try to get "down with the kids", always think that nigger music is cool and modern? It's all about blowing peoples motherfucking faces off.

  3. Hmmm, a wee bit of Scroogery here. Not desperate to see a rap in a nativity play, but in all fairness if my son was a sheep singing a song I'd be very proud and probably in hysterics. All this stuff is a laugh, I went through it with my (much younger) little sister and I can't wait to see my kids doing the same, rap or no rap.

    There's all kinds of things wrong with schools, but I'm not sure this is one of them. At least they haven't linked it to AGW or no smoking or some other righteous bollocks!

  4. Winterval Wonderland13 December 2010 at 12:21

    In all fairness the nativity play is at least being put on at that school. Cynics might say there could be some group, not currently occupied with making devices that make pretty bangs, who could be up in arms (pun intended) over it all. Or worse, some dyed-in-the-wool PCer who wants to object on their behalf.

    Rap is crap, of course, but as most nativity plays are reduced to having the third rainbow or the fourth camel saying one line then an adult's idea of fun for the kids, however misplaced, shows at least they are doing something vaguely Christmassy.

    Or winterval-ly.

  5. Ah, but Nativity plays have to be relevant.

  6. It's another of those well-meaning exercises in being, "Relevant to the black children's experiences". Cui bono?

    @ Mrs Erdleigh,

    I'm so glad I don't have children.

    @ Bucko,

    I'm also happy I dont have children.

    The state education system is one of the most effective forms of contraception.

  7. Oh, I can think of worse things. I suppose it's trying to breathe some life into the old drivel that normally gets performed year-in year-out.

    I'm actually quite amused by the idea of taking the perspective of the cat, though I hope it was a cat called Christopher Hitchins.

  8. "I'm actually quite amused by the idea of taking the perspective of the cat, though I hope it was a cat called Christopher Hitchins" ...

    Marginally better, I suppose than a cat called George Galloway ..

    WV = thneutr (which ought to apply to Galloway)

  9. "Why do adults who try to get "down with the kids", always think that nigger music is cool and modern? It's all about blowing peoples motherfucking faces off."

    It's the sort of misogynistic crap that would have them screeching like banshees, were it to be any other group...

    "At least they haven't linked it to AGW or no smoking or some other righteous bollocks!"

    There's always next year... ;)

    "In all fairness the nativity play is at least being put on at that school."

    Yes, I suppose we should be grateful for small mercies...

    "The state education system is one of the most effective forms of contraception."


    "Marginally better, I suppose than a cat called George Galloway .."

    Heh! :)

  10. It'll be a cat-astrophe.

    OK..OK...I'm getting my jacket :(
