Saturday 8 January 2011

Either The 'Metro' Is Sharing Subbing Resources With The 'Telegraph'...

...or someone thought they were writing copy for one of Mark Wadsworth's cow attacks:

Somewhere, a mad geneticist is reading this and saying 'Yes! Horns! That's what'd make tigers that bit more badass. Fire up the gene-splicer!'


  1. Careful what you say about your fellow wordsmiths, you might end up getting sewed in caught. Although you're right, of course. He should, obviously, have said "gourd."

  2. Well, "maims to death" is an oxymoron, "bites"/"claws"/whatever is too specific for the source report, and they can't use the term "savages" as that'd be racist...

  3. Ta for link.

    I did read that story, but somehow 'carnivorous animal killing human' is just a bit depressing/frightening whereas 'allegedly herbivorous and docile animal attacking human' is genuinely disturbing.

  4. " might end up getting sewed in caught. "

    Heh! Very good! :)

    "...whereas 'allegedly herbivorous and docile animal attacking human' is genuinely disturbing."

    It's the herbivores (hippos) that kill more people than the carnivores (crocodiles). Since when was 'vegetarian' a synonym for 'harmless'?

    We really should know better, since it doesn't work that way with people any more than with animals...

  5. Dear Predator

    It's obviously a typo - it should read 'bores'.

    You know how he goes on and on and on.

